Dear (我的名字) TheNotre Dame MBA/MS in Business Analytics dual-degree program offersstudents the opportunity to earn two master’s degrees in two years.
Intended for students with a strong affinity for statistical and otherquantitative techniques, the 68-credit hour program concurrently provides arobust, values-based business education along with extensive analyticscoursework to prepare them for a wide range of careers in the increasinglydata-driven marketplace.
Students also participate in internships and experiential learningopportunities, such as real-life case studies focused on analytics.Candidatesshould apply to the traditional Notre Dame Two-Year MBA program and indicatetheir preference for the MBA/MSBA dual degree on the application.
Quick Facts: · Two-year, full-time,on-campus program · Same applicationprocess/same application as MBA · Students can apply forDual Degree and still be considered for traditional MBA, by indicating that onthe app. · GMAT or GRE is acceptable · Annual dual degreetuition is $3,250 more than the traditional MBA per year (total $6,500) · Intended for studentswith three to five years of work experience · 68 credit hours · Includes the opportunityto take elective courses (not a lockstep program) · STEM (Science, Technology,Engineering, and Math) designated degree. Such degrees confer a 36-month OPTemployment authorization for those seeking work visas. · Fellowship opportunitiesavailable · Study abroad is NOT anoption during this program · Same mod schedule astraditional MBA · Special IntertermIntensives focused on applying analytics skills, ending with a capstoneexperience in the final interterm Pleaselet me know if you have additional questions. The webpage for the programis: http://mendoza.nd.edu/programs/mba-programs/mba-msba/ DodyBlue