York schulich macc 昨天发邮件今天面试 本来还以为会准备的不充分~结果居然惊喜的收到了口头offer~
面试官Boris Remes,是个中东小哥~但英语很好,基本没什么口音,然后人很nice,全程笑眯眯的哈哈哈。小哥好像是ubc毕业的。当年也是国际学生来加拿大读高中。然后问问题的难度我觉得比emily song低,不会追问,问完了会简单评价 good,excellent
1. why Schulich?
2. long term and short term career goal?
3. why did you choose the referees?
4. how do you handle pressure? any example?
5. 然后问了我一些会计学了什么课 econ学了什么课什么的
Generally speaking all overseas applicants are admitted into Term 0 of DIAc. Upon successful compilation of Term 0 and Term 1 of DIAc students progress into Term 2 and 3 of the MAcc. The total length of the program is 4 terms ( May 2016 - July 2017).