Although she was considered among her contemporaries to be the better poet than her husband, later Elizabeth Barrett Browning was overshadowed by his success.
Although she was considered among her contemporaries to be the better poet than her husband, later Elizabeth Barrett Browning was overshadowed by his success.
a) Although she was considered among her contemporaries to be the better poet than her husband, later Elizabeth Barrett Browning was overshadowed by his success.
b) Although Elizabeth Barrett Browning was considered among her contemporaries as a better poet than her husband, she was later overshadowed by his success.
c) Later overshodowed by the success of her husband, Elizabeth Barrett Browning's peotry had been considered among her contemporaries to be better than that of her husband.
d) Although Elizabeth Barrett Browning's success was later overshadowed by that of her husband, among her contemporaries she was considered the better poet.
e) Elizabeth Barret Browning's poetry was considered among her contemporaries as bettern than her husband, but she success was later overshadowed by his.
首先建议大家找一下a better 和 the better的区别。
A.官方解释里:X is better than Y.两种表达方式,X is a better poet than Y.或者X is the better poet.
A中有than的比较,用a better poet than才对吧
而且很多所谓的铁则根本也不是铁则, 我觉得与其掌握细则不如掌握通则,比如说and作为连词是的两个主句是如何省略的, 是不是不参与并列的部分就可以被省略, 这样的省略是不是能够涉及主语, 谓语, 或者是宾语, 定语, 状语?什么样子的省略才不会造成歧义?如果是两个从句并列, 什么时候需要加上that, 什么时候不需要加上that?而且如何在没有歧义的情况下进行省略(简洁有效)这些都不是随机, 而是有规律可循,而且是通则。这样的话才能不枪毙掉正确的答案, 正确地理解错误的答案的原因。
To map Earth’s interior, geologists use a network of seismometers to chart seismic waves that originate in the earth’s crust and ricochet around its interior, traveling most rapidly through cold, dense regions and more slowly through hotter rocks.
E: To map Earth’s interior, geologists use a network of seismometers to chart seismic waves that originate in the earth’s crust and ricochet around its interior and that travel most rapidly through cold, dense regions and slower through hotter rocks.
To map Earth’s interior, geologists use a network of seismometers to chart seismic waves that originate in the earth’s crust and (that)ricochet around its interior and that travel most rapidly through cold, dense regions and slower through hotter rocks.
这里的and前后其实两个从句并列 - 所以E选项其实是从句1and 从句2 and 从句3 , 你说这个结构错不错?
所以说很多时候OG的解释是一种懒人思维, 什么Idiom,awkard- 看了跟没看一样,自己骗自己,自己慢慢分析主谓宾,修饰结构,看多了也就会了。不要老想着idiom
但是Idiom的用法,特别是一些常见的搭配组合你还是要知道。老头脑子抽到极端了, 才会考idiom。很多题目都是可以绕过Idiom做出来的。
所以大家才会有正确答案是比出来的想法。比如说有的时候capable of doing sth 和capable to do在一起的时候, 只有前面的Idiom是正确的, 但是知道正确又如何呢?如果有第三个选项表意无误,用了 be able to或这是can你知道了这个Idiom也没用啊, 因为简洁有效就会瞬间让你选择到 be able to 上。
还有很出名的那条介绍了一个Idiom的题目, A is to B what C is to D, 你看一下D选项的similar to 后面加一个is 你还会选?ABC我记得是可以直接排除的。
所以要关注句子的大结构, 而不是所谓的Idiom