在这里预祝各位能够拿到offer,加入Team Fuqua和Team DKU的大家庭!
下面是我的微信,欢迎class of 2019的小伙伴加我微信,我们搞一个class of 2019 MMSKU逛吃群!同时如果有小伙伴有面试相关的问题也可以加我,我只要有时间一定会解答!Be helpful,be positive!
Academic 1. Challenges in academic you think you will meetin this program? 2. What do you wantto get out of this one-year program?
Professional 3. 为何选择投行/风投 4. 实习经历自己学到了什么?Setbackin study or internships 5. 职业规划St Cg andLt Cg? Any plan B? 其他实现目标的方案?career plan after graduation 6. 如果这两个目标实现不了,有planB吗? 7. Any knowledge used into practice?
Teamwork 8. 觉得一个top1级别的leader要有什么素质?你对领导力的看法和例子?leadership是什么样的 9. a leader you admire举一个例子说明leaderrole;印象深刻的团体 10. Preferto be leader or member 11. Goodteam mate的quality是什么? 12. 作为team mates的经历 what kind of work you fulfill asa team mate.( In a team when u r not a leader, what kind of work you fulfill) 13. teamfailed的经历 14. whatis most important in teamwork 15. 我的team experience? 如何成为leader? 16. Teamsuccess的经历? 17. 在team中有成员不配合你怎么处理? 18. Howto deal with people with cross-cultural background?假设你刚来到MMSprogram, 然后一个人也不认识,你要怎样approachothers?If you meet a group of new people, whatwould you do? 19. Someonegave you constructive feedback and you took and what did you learn through thefeedback? 20. howteam members describe you 21. whatdo you think about the concept of " Team Fuqua"
Whyschool 22. WhyFuqua? Why management? 23. 为什么喜欢DKU项目? 24. Whynow? 25. 来DKU,最期待的三个活动? 26. 有没有跟mms的有过交流?How do you know this program? 想加入杜克的什么社团 27. Yourimpact on Fuqua. /what you can bring to your classmates 28. biggestchance in Fuqua 29. apartfrom mms, what else program interests you 30. Whatdo you want to know about this program?
Personal 31. 自我介绍/ How do you tell me about your background, where you grow upand you experience before? (qualification, experience and why fit this role)(gothrough resume) 32. Undergraduatemajor? Why this school? Why major? 33. 自己有什么爱好?What's your favorite sport? Share your extracurricular experience.Leisure time do what? 34. 自己有什么不足,mms program可以带给你补足?有什么除了academic的能力能在duke提高 35. theachievement you‘re most proud of 36. 你的朋友用哪三个words来describe you? 37. Strength& weakness 38. Anythingyou want to share? 39. Whywe should admit you 40. Q&A