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[SC总结] with结构的总结,欢迎大家拍砖!

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发表于 2011-10-29 14:35:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

根据上面几个帖子和prep的一些with的知识点 大致整理出with的用法

With a total population of less than two hundred and fewer breeding females than ever before, the American crocodile seemed a decade ago tobe in danger of disappearing.
(A) of less thantwo hundred and fewer
(B) lower than twohundred and less
(C) lesser than twohundred and fewer
(D) fewer than twohundred and less  A
(E) of fewer thantwo hundred and of fewer

With total sales ofless than three hundred thousand dollars and fewer new subscribers than last year, the New England TheatreCompany is in danger of losing its building.

(A) of less than three hundredthousand dollars and fewer

(B) lower than three hundred thousanddollars and less

(C) lesser than three hundred thousanddollars and fewer  

(D) fewer than three hundred thousanddollars and less   A

(E) offewer than three hundred thousand dollars and of fewer

Child care already a solidpart of the employee benefits package at many companies, more businesses are focusing on a newer familybenefit known as elder care, servicing for older dependents.

(A) Child care

(B) With child care

(C) Child care as

(D) Being the Child care was  B

(E) With child care’s being

With+n.+介宾 可以看做with介词短语结构(此处不是很确定,欢迎拍砖),可以当状语,也可以当定语。要注意的是:with+n.作为介词短语时,和其他介词短语一样, SVO句子中如果想作状语或修饰主语的定语, 就要把介词短语提至谓语动词之前以避免产生歧义;如果是作修饰宾语的定语 直接跟在其后即可加都逗号也行。简言之,若with在宾语后,且用逗号隔开又不在句末时,就要注意其修饰的成分到底是主语还是宾语,是否歧义修饰。

Onaccount of a law passed in 1933, making it a crime punishable by imprisonmentthat a United States citizen hold gold in the form of bullion or coins,immigrants found that on arrival in the United States they had to surrender allof the gold they had brought with them.
A.       On account of a lawpassed in 1933, making it a crime punishable by imprisonment that a UnitedStates citizen hold
B.       With a law passed in1933 that makes it a crime punishable by imprisonment that a United States citizenhold
C.       A law passed in 1933that made it a crime punishable by imprisonment for a United States citizenholding
D.       Because of a law passedin 1933 making it a crime punishable by imprisonment for a United Statescitizen to hold    D         (D)
E.        Due to a law beingpassed in 1933 that makes it a crime punishable by imprisonment for a UnitedStates citizen to hold

B项:holdaUnited States citizen主谓不一致;阐明法律法规的内容习惯使用doingmakeit a crime that sb. do sth.搭配错误,应该是a crime for do sth.with短语做伴随状语,逻辑主语为immigrants,表达的是law是为immigrants拥有的,逻辑错误。

with复合结构的用法: with复合结构在句子中作状语,表示原因、时间、条件、伴随、方式等。

表示伴随动作(非伴随结果),此时需要注意逻辑主语,且前面不能是完成时态(这样就不能伴随动作了).with短语要表示伴随结果则需要用with the result of

Becauseof wireless service costs plummeting in the last year, and as mobile phones areincreasingly common, many people now using their mobile phones to makecalls across a wide region at night and on weekends, when numerous wirelesscompanies provide unlimited airtime for a relatively small monthly fee.
A.       Because of wirelessservice costs plummeting in the last year, and as mobile phones areincreasingly common, many people
B.       As the cost of wirelessservice plummeted in the last year and as mobile phones became increasinglycommon, many people
C.       In the last year, withthe cost of wireless service plummeting, and mobile phones have becomeincreasingly common, there are many people
D.       With the cost ofwireless service plummeting in the last year and mobile phones becomingincreasingly common, many people are      (D)
E.        While the cost ofwireless service has plummeted in the last year and mobile phones areincreasingly common, many people are

(D) Correctwith可以表示原因,与as含义相似(见补充说明)注意becomeincreasingly并不重复,increasingly只是表达了more and more的含义becomemore常搭配使用

Visitors to the park have often looked into the leafycanopy and seen monkeys sleeping on the branches, with arms and legs hanginglike socks on a clothesline.
就像这个句子,with arms and legshanging like...这个伴随性的动作,修饰的是sleep这个动词,而sleep这个动词的动作发出者是monkeys,所以with arms and legs的逻辑主语就是monkeys.
OG-29 The end of the eighteenth centurysaw the emergence of prize-stock breeding, with individual bulls and cowsreceiving awards, fetching unprecedented prices, and exciting enormousinterest whenever they were put on show.
根据aeo斑斑的说法 此处可这么分析 with应该修饰breeding的动作发出者也就是prize-stock

Those who have visited the GrandCanyon have typically seen layers of sediment in the gaping canyon, withdifferent colors that mark thepassage of time like the rings in a tree trunk.

(A) seen layers of sediment in thegaping canyon, with different colors that mark

(B) see layers of sediment in thegaping canyon, whose different colors mark

(C) been seeing layers of sediment inthe gaping canyon, whose different colors are markers of

(D) been able to see layers ofsediment in the gaping canyon, with different colors marking  D

(E) seen layers of sediment in thegaping canyon, marking by different colors

With修饰的是gaping的发出者 也就是canyon(大峡谷)

In addition to having more protein than wheatdoes, the protein in rice is higher quality than that in wheat, withmore of the amino acids essential to the human diet.
(A)  the protein in rice is higher quality than that in
(B)   rice has protein of higher quality than that in
(C)   the protein in rice is higher in quality than it is in
(D)  rice protein is higher in quality than it is in   (B)
(E)  rice has a protein higher in quality than

Bihar isIndia’s poorest state, with anannual per capita income of $111, lowerthan in the most impoverishedcountries of the world.

(A) lower than in

(B) lower than that of

(C) and lower than that of

(D) which is lower than inB

(E) which is lower than it is in


The peaksof a mountain range, acting like rocks in a streambed, produce ripples in theair flowing over them: the resulting flow pattern, with crests and troughs that remain stationary although the air that formsthem is moving rapidly, are knownas “standing waves.”

(A) crests and troughs that remainstationary although the air that forms them is moving rapidly, are

(B) crests andtroughs that remain stationary although they are formed by rapidly moving air, are

(C) crests and troughs that remainstationary although the air that forms them is moving rapidly, is

(D) stationary crests and troughsalthough he air that forms them is moving rapidly, are    C

(E) stationary crests and troughsalthough they are formed by rapidly moving air, is  

With crests andtroughswith介词短语 作为非限制定语修饰pattern


这些大致涵盖了with的用法了,如有不对之处 希望大家指出~~~共勉~~~
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发表于 2011-10-29 14:49:03 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-12-9 17:02:27 | 只看该作者
顶!!! 很强大!
发表于 2012-1-4 23:32:06 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-3-14 15:25:53 | 只看该作者

Thepeaksof a mountain range, acting like rocks in a streambed, produce ripples in theair flowing over them: the resulting flow pattern,withcrests and troughs that remain stationary although the air that formsthem is moving rapidly, areknownas “standing waves.”

(A) crests and troughs that remainstationary although the air that forms them is moving rapidly, are
(Bcrests andtroughs that remain stationary although they are formed by rapidly moving air, are

(C) crests and troughs that remainstationary although the air that forms them is moving rapidly, is

(D) stationary crests and troughsalthough he air that forms them is moving rapidly, are    C

(E) stationary crests and troughsalthough they are formed by rapidly moving air, is  

With crests andtroughswith介词短语作为非限制定语修饰pattern

3. 表示状态(此时前面需要是主系表),同样需要逻辑主语
那么,这个例子:The results of the company's cost-cutting measures are evident in its profits,which increased 5 percent during the first 3 months of this year after it fell over the last two years. 为何不能改为,with a 5 percent increase....?


-- by 会员 kmylv (2011/10/29 14:35:29)

发表于 2014-2-11 17:46:11 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-6-8 16:45:02 | 只看该作者
发表于 2015-1-18 19:08:27 | 只看该作者
我想问一下In addition to having more protein than wheatdoes, the protein in rice is higher quality than that in wheat, withmore of the amino acids essential to the human diet.
(A)  the protein in rice is higher quality than that in
(B)   rice has protein of higher quality than that in
(C)   the protein in rice is higher in quality than it is in
(D)  rice protein is higher in quality than it is in   (B)
(E)  rice has a protein higher in quality than

Bihar isIndia’s poorest state, with anannual per capita income of $111, lowerthan in the most impoverishedcountries of the world.

(A) lower than in

(B) lower than that of

(C) and lower than that of

(D) which is lower than in(B)

(E) which is lower than it is in


The peaksof a mountain range, acting like rocks in a streambed, produce ripples in theair flowing over them: the resulting flow pattern, with crests and troughs that remain stationary although the air that formsthem is moving rapidly, are knownas “standing waves.”

(A) crests and troughs that remainstationary although the air that forms them is moving rapidly, are

(B) crests andtroughs that remain stationary although they are formed by rapidly moving air, are

(C) crests and troughs that remainstationary although the air that forms them is moving rapidly, is

(D) stationary crests and troughsalthough he air that forms them is moving rapidly, are    (C)

(E) stationary crests and troughsalthough they are formed by rapidly moving air, is  

With crests andtroughs是with介词短语 作为非限制定语修饰pattern


这一块儿修饰的都是 noun 这里是不是作定语更好呢?
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