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发表于 2014-10-18 12:02:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Building on civilizations that preceded them incoastal Peru, the Mochica developed their own elaborate society, based oncultivating such crops like corn and beans, the harvesting of fish andshellfish, and exploiting other wild and domestic resources.
A.    based on cultivating such crops like corn and beans, theharvesting of fish and shellfish, and exploiting
B.    based on the cultivationof such crops as corn and beans, the harvesting of fish and seafood, and the exploitationof
C.    and basing it on the cultivation of crops like corn andbeans, harvesting fish and seafood, and the exploiting of
D.    and they based it ontheir cultivation of crops such as corn and beans, the harvest of fish andseafood, and exploiting       (B)
andthey based it on their cultivating such crops like corn and beans, their harvest of fish andshellfish, and they exploited

想问大牛们知不知道based在这个句子结构中是什么作用?(难道是伴随developed? 我不是很确定过去分词做伴随状语的用法)

Traveling the back roads of Hungary, in 1905 Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, and they were armed only with an Edison phonograph and insatiable curiosity.
(A) Traveling the back roads of Hungary, in 1905 Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, and they were armed only
(B) In 1905, Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály, traveling the back roads of Hungary, began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, and they were only armed
(C) In 1905 Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, traveling the back roads of Hungary armed only
(D) Having traveled the back roads of Hungary, in 1905 Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology; they were only armed
(E) Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály, in 1905 began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, traveling the back roads of Hungary, arming themselves only


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-20 03:59:09 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-10-20 07:07:51 | 只看该作者
based在这个句子结构中是什么作用?(难道是伴随developed? 我不是很确定过去分词做伴随状语的用法)
based on这种过去分词是当形容词一样使用,永远只能修饰名词。而也正是因为它是形容词性质的noun modifer,所以它修饰的是它最靠近的名词,在这个例子里就是society。 society自然是可以被based on的,所以这里没问题。
根据ron的课上总结的based on的用法:
Based on XXX, subject + verb +....(这里based on是修饰的subject,最靠近它的名词)
Subject + Verb + Object, based on XXX(这里的based on是修饰的object,最靠近它的名词)
Subject is/was/are/were based on XXX(这里很明显based on是修饰的subject,最靠近它的名词)

关于第二道题,我看到C的时候也是哽了一下,去搜了一下外网的意见,结果很有趣,这道题的source 并不reliable,里面关于armed跟在roads of Hungary后面是错误的,但是因为其他的选项都有更明显的大问题,所以这道题就这样放着不管了,但是这道题本身就不是Prep或者更可靠的来源来的,所以这道题是错的,楼主只要知道过去分词在GMAT语法里面一定是作为形容词来形容最靠近的名词就好了,更直接一点回答原问题”答案分析说armed做traveling的伴随状语是对的吗?“ 不,是答案分析和题目都错了
2. Guess what? Option C is wrong too! But it is the best in the lot.

In 1905 Bela Bartok and Zoltan Kodaly began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, traveling the back roads of Hungary armed only says Hungarian roads were armed!!  :shock:

Option C should have read In 1905, Bela Bartok and Zoltan Kodaly began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, traveling the back roads of Hungary, armed only

These questions are not from 'reliable' sources so you just have to settle with the fact that you have to choose the 'best answer' :roll:

The fun in answering such questions is that you kinda get digging deeper into elements of the sentence to find out the error; makes a huge difference in your learning!          


从adjective和adverb的词源构成也可以看到,一个是修饰名词的(adjective),一个是修饰动词的(adverb)。那么放回到modifier里面,也是分adjective和adverb的,只能修饰名词的modifier是noun modifier,他们主要的作用是进一步解释”是什么?“的问题,进一步提供关于所修饰的名词的信息(这里based on就是个很好的例子,based on里的内容是针对这个society的构成做解释,其目的主要就是为了介绍说这是一个怎样的society)。另一方面修饰动词的modifier是verb modifier,他们的作用主要是解释动作,解释这个动作发生的时间地点原因等等,但是同时其中一些也会对动作发出的主语起到修饰(很好理解,动作是由subject发出来的,所以有时候不能避免要和subject有关系),所以必须保证说subject要和这个verb modifier在一起能make sense,这一点就涉及到逻辑了,所以一定要读懂句子. (例子,The weight was lifted by concentrating. 错! 虽然结构上乍看一眼好像没问题,但是这里在逻辑上是错的,weight和concentrate并不搭配,应该是人concentrate,所以这句话改成I lifted the weight by concentrating 就没问题了)
此外注意的是,noun modifier是一定修饰就近的名词,但是verb modifier 位置可以不和逻辑上的主语紧紧靠在一起(因为它本身的目的是为了修饰动作,但是因为动作是主语发出的,为了不引发逻辑上的歧义所以要严谨,把主语考虑进来),不过一定要保证verb modifier要和它所修饰的主语逻辑上说的通才行。
这点我是这么记忆的,看回最简单的句子形式Subject + verb + Object, 里面noun就有两个,仍进来一个noun modifer修饰的是哪个noun呢?为了避免歧义,语法就规定了noun modifer的靠近原则,在句子最前面就是修饰的subject,在最后面的话就是修饰的object(参考最上面based on的例子里的1和2);但是一个句子有且仅有一个verb,所以可以放心的把verb modifier的位置排放在前或者在后都可以,反正它肯定是只会修饰verb and verb's subject。

具体的noun modifier的分类,根据曼哈顿的笔记,有adjective, preposition,past participle, present participle without commmas, relative pronoun(eg.which, that, who, where etc.), another noun(appositive)
具体的verb modifier的分类,根据曼哈顿的笔记,有adverb, preposition, subordinator【这三个只纯粹修饰verb,不需要太考虑一定要和verb's subject保持逻辑上的统一】present participle with commas(eg.Whistling "Beat it", I lifted the weight), Preposition+Simple Gerund (eg. By concentrating, I lifted the weight), Infinitive of Purpose (eg. I lifted the weight To free my leg)


Recently documented examples of neurogenesis, the production of new brain cells, include the brain growing in mice when placed in a stimulating environment or neurons increasing in canaries that learn new songs.

(A) the brain growing in mice when placed in a stimulating environment or neurons increasing in canaries that

(B) mice whose brains grow when they are placed in a stimulating environment or canaries whose neurons increase when they

(C) mice’s brains that grow when they are placed in a stimulating environment or canaries’ neurons that increase when they

(D) the brain growth in mice when placed in a stimulating environment or the increase in canaries’ neurons when they

(E) brain growth in mice that are placed in a stimulating environment or an increase in neurons in canaries that

这道题里正确选项是E,里面的A和D里有出现When placed...如果没有verb modifier和noun modifer的区别意识,那么第一次读的时候可能我们自然而然会理解成”这可能是和the brain growing in mice/the brain growth in mice联系在一起的。但是等等!这两个都基本上是名词形式的意思,完全没有动词,那这个when的从句(verb modifier)是在修饰谁?再找回去,发现了主句的动词include,那么这个when应该就是在修饰这个动词啦,所以把整个句子写出来就变成 Examples include XXX when....(在when的情况下examples才includeXXX)这是结构告诉我们的意思,但是在原文意思逻辑上是想表达这个意思吗?显然不是。这是矛盾的一点。
另一点,这个When之后是placed,我们知道从句应该也要有subject+verb的形式才行,这里难道不是个从句吗?并不是。这里涉及到另一个我没有在曼哈顿上太明确看到的语法点,状语从句的省略问题。状语从句的省略有两个条件:1,从句的主语和主句的主语一致(或者是it) 2.从句的谓语动词是系动词be。
举例说:I ate mangoes with my sister when hungry.
这里把句子还原后就是I ate mangoes with my sister when I was hungry.
首先我们知道一个句子里有且仅有一个动词,这就让verb modifier有了绝对单一的针对性,所以我们不用担心歧义的问题,因为verb modifier只能针对verb,这里就算是和noun - my sister靠的这么近,也肯定不是修饰my sister的。

但是为什么要把I was去掉呢?因为太罗嗦了。句子要求就是要简洁,为了避免每次我们想要指一样东西的时候再把那个东西重复一遍,我们就发明了代名词Pronoun, 比起每次都要说“在篮球社里有张大住,李铁蛋,王二狗balabala,篮球社的张大住,李铁蛋,王二狗balabala 在星期一要有比赛 所以张大住,李铁蛋,王二狗balabala 这周末要好好练习。” 我们发明了代名词 他们 ,同时在不会引发歧义的情况下,我们会省略掉指代好让句子简洁明了,方便理解。 这样的话就可以把原文改成“在篮球社里有张大住,李铁蛋,王二狗balabala,他们在星期一要有比赛所以这周末要好好练习”。 再绕回来原来的例子,其实原文的结构上全部写出来的话就变成了,Example...include XXX when (Example is) placed...既然主句和从句的主语一致,那么省略掉就好,反复重提的话会让句子显得不够简洁。此外之所以要去掉is的原因我不是很能从逻辑上解释,但是因为这个是系动词,不是什么真的有具体动作内涵的词,所以去掉对内容的影响也是没有的,最后展现在我们面前的就是Example....include XXX when placed....

在另一方面,When my car is broken, I walk to the store 这里的When同样也是verb modifier修饰动词walk,但是因为when 从句本身 主语和主句主语不一致(也不是it),所以一定一定要把subject+verb全写出来。
如果这个句子变成了When broken, I walk to the store,那么我们在结构上就默认了原句应该是When I am broken, I walk to the store. 这个完全在意思逻辑上讲不通,所以这里是一定错的(GMAT有不少题有涉及这个知识点)

 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-20 08:58:35 | 只看该作者
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