第一个小时 我脑袋里的GMAT作文是这样的 Fiest of all , the aut..作者,作者怎么拼写?!!!啊啊啊写不下去啊 第二个小时 我脑袋里的GMAT作文变成了这样 Secondly,Another problem is that.. for example,…Therefore,thereasoning is wrong unless … 啊啊啊字好少啊 第三个小时 我脑袋里的GMAT作文终于变成了这样!!! Secondly,Another problem is that the author unfairly assumes that A is the causeof B just because that A coincided with B. However, a mere positionalcorrelation does not necessarily prove a causal relationship. forexample,ifthere were a trend that students choose to work rather than to further theirstudy in the last few years , then the numbers of students in all theuniversities will drop down. Therefore,thereasoning is wrong unless the author can establish a causal link between the drop ofapply and the problem of the university itself.
想和我一样么? 秘诀就在这里!