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[SC悬赏令] 请教一道SC

发表于 2014-8-17 09:40:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The stars, some of them attremendous speeds, are in motion just as the planets are, yet being sofar away from Earth that their apparent positions in the sky do not changeenough for their movement to be observed during a single human lifetime.
A The stars, some of them at tremendous speeds, are in motionjust as the planets are, yet being
B Like the planets, the stars are in motion, some ofthem at tremendous speeds, but they are
C Although like the planets the stars are in motion,some of them at tremendous speeds, yet
DAs the planets, the stars are inmotion, some of them at tremendous speeds, but they are
E The stars are in motion like the planets, some ofwhich at tremendous speeds are in motion but

这道题,以前听老师讲过GMAT里的一个考点,是句子结构的考点,说S.V.O, each of which V.O.这样的形式是正确的,但是S.V.O,each of them V.O.这样的形式是错误的,所以我用在这道题里,比如B\C\D\E在some of them前面都应该是完整的句子,为什么不能用我上面讲的这种方法去排除选项呢?如果用我上面的排除最后可能就只剩下E了,这样答案就不对。难道老师讲的地方有不对的吗?能不能给我详细解释下这道题目?
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发表于 2014-8-17 11:00:20 | 只看该作者
这里的some of them at tremendous speeds,没有动词啊。。所以这里不是each of them V.O.的形式,
发表于 2014-8-17 11:01:31 | 只看该作者
想问一下大神们: some of them at tremendous speeds,这是独立主格吗?这是个什么结构?
发表于 2014-8-17 11:03:47 | 只看该作者
你说的我觉得是对的 我记得Manhattan里有讲S.V.O, each of which V.O,但是each of them后面不可以加V的。

        When you want to describe a part of a larger group with a modifier, use one of the following three Subgroup Modifier constructions.
        Right: This model explains all known subatomic particles, SOME OF WHICH WERE only recently discovered.
        Right: This model explains all known subatomic particles, SOME OF THEM only recently discovered.
        Right: This model explains all known subatomic particles, SOME only recently discovered.
        Notice that only the which construction has a working verb (were) in it. In contrast, wrong answer choices often include the following three incorrect constructions, which scramble the correct forms.
        Wrong: This model explains all known subatomic particles, OF WHICH SOME WERE only recently discovered.
        Wrong: This model explains all known subatomic particles, SOME OF THEM WHICH WERE only recently discovered.
        Wrong: This model explains all known subatomic particles, SOME OF WHICH only recently discovered.
        In place of some, you can substitute the other SANAM pronouns (any, none, all, more/most), as well as many, each, either, neither, half, one, and any other number or pronoun that picks out a subgroup.

发表于 2014-8-17 11:04:45 | 只看该作者
然后哈 我觉得你说的知识点是正确的 但是这个不是一个split的点啊因为some of them后面都没有V,some of which后都有V,说明考察的不是这个考点 所以要从别的地方入手
 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-17 15:19:40 | 只看该作者
heidiym 发表于 2014-8-17 11:03
你说的我觉得是对的 我记得Manhattan里有讲S.V.O, each of which V.O,但是each of them后面不可以加V的。

 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-17 15:20:54 | 只看该作者
ashlyzhu 发表于 2014-8-17 11:00
这里的some of them at tremendous speeds,没有动词啊。。所以这里不是each of them V.O.的形式, ...

 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-17 15:23:53 | 只看该作者
ashlyzhu 发表于 2014-8-17 11:01
想问一下大神们: some of them at tremendous speeds,这是独立主格吗?这是个什么结构? ...

我觉得不是独立主格,独立主格指的是两个不同的主语在一个句子里面的用法,所以这里要是要是理解成同位语,就变为stars=some of them at tremendous speed,这样就错了;要是理解成定语从句,又没有which这样的词出现,所以综上,stars,some of them at tremendous speeds本身就是错误的句子。不知道说的对不对,多指教~~~
发表于 2014-8-17 22:44:39 | 只看该作者
lainemai 发表于 2014-8-17 15:20

那个我忘记啦 我自己弄了个文档把我不会的给复制下来了 所以不好意思哦 我也不知道是第几页 但是你搜索一下就知道啦

 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-18 08:14:13 | 只看该作者
heidiym 发表于 2014-8-17 22:44
那个我忘记啦 我自己弄了个文档把我不会的给复制下来了 所以不好意思哦 我也不知道是第几页 但是你搜索一 ...

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