想请问一下各位,有没有看到RON的哪个视频里面有专门讲到虚拟时态的!麻烦发个时间,没有太多时间看完全部了,查漏补缺中 。谢谢!
Starfish, withanywhere from five to eight arms, have a strong regenerative ability, and if one arm is lost it quickly replaces it,sometimes by the animal overcompensating and growing an extra one ortwo.
(A) one arm is lostit quickly replaces it, sometimes by the animal overcompensating and (B) one arm is lostit is quickly replaced, with the animal sometimes overcompensating and (C) they lose onearm they quickly replace it, sometimes by the animal overcompensating, (D) they lose onearm they are quickly replaced, with the animal sometimes overcompensating, (E) they lose onearm it is quickly replaced, sometimes with the animal overcompensating, 这道题我对正确答案B没有异议,但OG解释中说conditional clause中主从句的动词语态要相同。请教:语态一致是仅仅conditional clause需要的吗?还有没有别的类似的也需要这个语态相同。小白之前没有听说过这个知识点,比较虚。。。