Question # 9, your answer = A In Newtonian laws of motion, <there is a condition and it's converse regarding bodies at rest and bodies in motion>.
A) there is a condition and it's converse regarding bodies at rest and bodies in motion
B) there is a condition and its converse regarding bodies at rest and bodies in motion
C) there are a condition and its converse regarding bodies at rest and bodies in motion
D) there are a condition and it's converse regarding bodies at rest and bodies in motion
E) there has been a condition and its converse regarding bodies at rest and bodies in motion
这到题没有解释, 答案是C, 我选的A, 怎么看也不明白, converse在这里是名词还是形容词呢, 句子怎么翻译呢, 请NN帮助
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