Until the passage of the Piracy and Counterfeiting Amendments Act in 1982, a first-time charge of copyright infringement was merely a misdemeanor charge, federal prosecutors being unlikely in pursuing criminal copyright infringers, while offenders were subject to relatively small penalties.
28-24: Until the passage of the Piracy and Counterfeiting Amendments Act in 1982, a first-time charge of copyright infringement was merely a misdemeanor charge, federal prosecutors being unlikely in pursuing criminal copyright infringers, while offenders were subject to relatively small penalties.
A: charge, federal prosecutors being unlikely in pursuing criminal copyright infringers, while offenders were
B: charge, with federal prosecutors who were unlikely to pursue criminal copyright infringers, offenders being
C: charge, federal prosecutors unlikely to pursue criminal copyright infringers, while offenders were
D: charge; therefore, federal prosecutors were unlikely in pursuing criminal copyright infringers and offenders being
E: charge; therefore, federal prosecutors were unlikely to pursue criminal copyright infringers, and offenders were