1. Q: When reviewing applications, what isthe Admissions committee looking for in candidates? Wed Apr 3, 2013 1:04 pm Initially, the committee reviews eachcandidate to consider the following – academic profile, quantitative skills,amount and type of prior work experience, clarity of post-MBA career goals, andfit with the program. Each of these dimensions is evaluated both on an absolutebasis and on a relative basis in comparison with other candidates. Thecommittee is hoping to answer the following questions through theassessment:
* Why is the candidate seeking an MBA at this juncture of theircareer?
* How does their profile fit compared with other candidates who have hadsimilar career goals?
* Does the candidates’ academic profile match that of prior successfuladmits?
* How closely aligned is the candidate’s pre-MBA work experience totheir post-MBA goals?
* Is the candidate’s career plan similar to the types of opportunitiestypically available post-MBA?
* Are the career goals realistic and likely to lead to a successful joboutcome?
As you can imagine, if the answers tothese questions ultimately project the candidate in a favorable light (both onan absolute and relative basis), then the committee will recommend an interviewto further assess the candidate. Interview timing may vary by School, but Iwould say that most schools have done a Pre-screen like I mention, prior to aninterview invitation.
大家写essay 的时候也针对这些问题把他展现在你的文章中。
Wed Apr 3, 2013 1:09 pm 2. Q: What does the committee evaluateduring the interview? Wed Apr 3, 2013 1:10 pm During the interview, the committee willlook to validate what was originally learned about the candidate when wereviewed the online application and may also probe additionalquestions/information beyond what was originally provided in the application.We will look to fill in additional information on the following candidateattributes:
* Leadership skills/potential
* Interpersonal skills – through verbal and non-verbal cues
* Good judgment in decision making – ie. what to say/not to say duringan interview
* Poise/Professionalism
* Team skills
* “Fit” with the School
* Career potential
* Community engagement/Volunteerism
Ultimately, we are looking for a balanceamong all of these different aspects, almost all of which are subjective innature. We are looking for students who will add value in the classroom andoutside of the classroom - both based upon their background and their passions/personalinitiative. A tall order - but if you know what we are looking for, you cankeep this information in mind as you prepare your application and then prepyour interview.
大家一致疑惑面试的时候面试官到底在看一些什么呢? 每个学校侧重点不一样, 但是对于MBA的面试侧重点还是会有重叠:大家看highlight出来的部分!
Wed Apr 3, 2013 1:14 pm 3. Why will a candidate receive anAdmissions offer? Wed Apr 3, 2013 1:16 pm So many things go into the decision, andthe committee may weight certain factors more or less depending on the time ofthe year. Ie. when we are first building the class and have all seats open it'sa blank slate, but later in the cycle, we may be looking at the classdemography and student backgrounds more closely to enroll a balanced set ofbackgrounds. So here goes... Wed Apr 3, 2013 1:17 pm Applicants who are admitted usuallydemonstrate the following successfully:
• Academic aptitude, regardless of undergraduate major
• A carefully thought-out career plan that fits with the opportunitiesavailable to MBA talent
• A sense of what they can gain from joining the program, as well aswhat they can offer to fellow classmates and the School
• A unique perspective - life experiences that may be somewhat differentfrom other applicants
• A sincere desire to join the program if offered admission
• That they will be a great representative and extension of the School’sbrand – both as a student and future alum Wed Apr 3, 2013 1:20 pm It may seem like a long list, but thegood news is that many of these things you have control over - how you projectyourself, what you share, the pre-admissions research that you do on a School, etc.All of those things can put you in a great position when you are reviewed bythe Admissions committee. And remember, its a holistic review - there are notspecific weightings placed on these various components and the subjectiveassessment is often just as important as the objective measurements. Forinstance, some schools have a Career Management staff person sit on AdCom andthey weigh in on the resume/career goals assessment in decisions. Which is more crucial for an admissionscomittee to determine Academic potential in the business program - A high GMATor a high academic performance. Also, are there any special situations wherethe adcom feels that past academic performance might not be necessary duringdecisions or interview calls ?
4.I was wondering if you can furtherexplain the differences in applying in the early vs. later rounds? Does certainpieces of the application have more weight up front? Thanks.
Thanks for your question. What you willlikely find is that applying later in the cycle is a little more competitivefor a marginal or average candidate. For a truly outstanding candidate, you canapply later in the cycle and the AdCom will still be very interested in yourapplication. But if you apply late and your application is average (and I amtalking about both objective and subjective aspects) then you may find it to bea more competitive process. Allow me to explain what I mean...
Say you apply Round 3, a school has lotsof information about its pool of candidates - by country of origin, gender,work background, career interests, etc. Most top schools are trying to balanceall of these demographics and enroll a cohort of students with some level of diversity. They may be specifically looking for a certain type of student toround out their class later in the cycle depending on their yield of alreadyadmitted students. If you applied Round 1, then they have the entire class tofill, and so a student with a certain profile may be on more equal footingacross the entire applicant pool - hopefully that makes sense.
5. Can you please throw some light onthe importance of IR score for 2014 intake applications?
Thanks for the question. For mostadmissions offices, IR is only available for a subset of applications as it wasintroduced about a year ago. For those who have the score and do well, it's a plus. But we don't penalize a student who took the GMAT 2 years ago and doesnot have an IR score. Also, keep in mind that most of our programs have notenrolled and graduated students that were admitted with IR scoresThat so we don't yet have data on a threshold for "success" based upon an IR score. will likely come over time. I would expect 2014 to be similar to 2013 formost schools - as we continue to collect more information on IR scores andpossible correlation to student
对于有较好的IR成绩的同学是个优势, 但是因为IR 去年夏天才出来, 所以学校方面没有太多的数据去看申请者到底如何, 所以这一块还是比较宽松的在申请中。
6. How Does Adcom view a gap in academic studies, for example an year between finishing High school and startingUnderGrad. Similarly, what about gap in work.
Great question. In all likelihood, it depends on how long the gap was, and the reason(s) for it. It's probably wise to address the gap in a straight-forward but not too lengthy synopsis in theoptional essay. There are certainly candidates who are admitted each year who have an academic or work gap. We'll be interested in why it occurred, what youlearned from the experience, and if/how it may impact your future job search.We encountered this quite a bit after the economic downturns in 2001/2002 and2008/2009 and sometimes it is personal or health reasons. Again - don't make ita too detailed summary but you will want to at least mention it.
Ultimately, we are just thinking aboutthis in terms of how a future employer will consider the gap. GAP不管是学历方面的或是工作方面的都可以用一片addition essay 来解释为什么会出现这个现象。