看了这么多OG的比较题,偶觉得做比较题的一般步骤是: (以OG11: 128为例;英文为OG11解释)
1) 找到正确的比较对象; The sentence compares the number of apples produced today and in 1910; (GMAT很多时候并不只是要求比较的对象具有可比性,更要求比较对象要明确) 2) 选择正确的比较词组(结构); Because apples are a countable quantity, the comparison should use the construction as many as. 3) 注意比较结构的大原则: 平行,对称,简洁; The two elements being compared must be grammatically parallel.(简洁则要求部分地省略重复结构) 4) 构成符合原则的完整句子; The same amount ... produces is paralleled by as it did (produce understood). The subjects amount and it are parallel, as are the verbs produces and did (produce). 5) 检查时态正确性. Finally, an action that occurred in 1910 requires a verb in the past tense. 请大家指教。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-12 22:40:22编辑过] |