花了三个星期总算把OG13上面所有的SC部分都认真梳理了一遍,现在进入第二轮梳理,找出了一些我觉得有疑惑的地方,想和大家讨论讨论: (一)OG13 DiagnosticTest的SC部分疑问
?42.正确句子是:The Supreme Court has ruled that publicuniversities can collect money even from students who object to particular activities, so long as the groups given money are chosen without regard to their views.我对这一句话的翻译是:最高法院已经裁定公立大学甚至可以从反对加入某些特定活动的学生收取活动费用,只要给收钱的组织不是基于他们自己的意见。 其中,对so long as the groups given money are chosen without regard to theirviews我的理解感觉不是很对?这句中的”their“到底指谁?
?43.我的问题主要是B选项里面有个解释说:Woman Judges andpartners 表达的是女法官和(不强调男女)合伙人,那么想表达女性的 法官和合伙人 该怎么表达呀?除了woman judges and womanpartners意外,woman judge andpartners的表达对么?
?46.正确的句子:Researchers have found that individuals who have been blind from birth, and who thus have never seenanyone gestures, nevertheless make hand motions when speaking just asfrequently and in virtually the same way as sighted people do, and that they will gesture even when conversing with another blindperson.(其中两个黄色高光的连着两个并列的句子) 解释里面说 who have beenblind from birth和who thus have neverseen anyone gestures是平行的,随意是正确的。可是thus不是代表因此么?如果我的理解没错的话,and who thus have never seen anyone gestures实际是上一句的递进,因此是否也可以改写成:Researchers have found that individuals who have been blind from birth, thus never having seen anyonegestures...?
(二)OG 9.8SC
?130.正确的句子:Over 75%of the energy produced in France derives from nuclear power, whereas nuclearpower accounts for just over 33% of the energy produced in Germany.为什么第一个选项:Over 75% of the energy produced in France derives fromnuclear power, while in Germany it is just over 33%. 我的理解此处it指代theenergy produced derives from nuclear power,这样为什么不对?
?23.正确的句子:TheIroquois were primarily planters, although they supplemented theircultivation of maize, squash, and beans with fishing and hunting.其中有一个选项是and had supplemented.这个错误一个是时态不对,应该与were相对应取一般过去时,另一个错误说上说的是and不可以表达对比的意思。可是,例如:I’m 15 and my brother is 18.此处and很明显就可以表达出对比的意思,何来and不可表达对比的意思呢?那以后是不是碰到压迫对比的题目都要剔除and? |