Having done不可以紧跟在名词后做修饰语,必须改为which have的定语从句来修饰表达完成时的状态.但是having done可以做非限制性的修饰语, 也就是说看到 N,having done是可以的,名词后必须有逗号. 这题应该选E吧,allow sth to be done的结构 -- by 会员 JIERONG1019 (2011/6/17 21:33:39)
也就是说 如果我想说“PSP这个在electronic领域已经获利很多的产品,今年去停产了” 可以写成
PSP, which have earned a lot in electronic industry, stopped production this year.
PSP, having earned a lot in electronic industry, stopped production this year.
但是不能写成: PSP having earned a lot in electronic industry, stopped production this year.
请问我理解的对么? 谢谢NN |