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[学校信息] JHU 招生官问答环节2-实质性奖学金和GMAT分数

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发表于 2013-4-13 04:08:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
想和JHUCarey的招生官面对面聊天吗? 了解到底怎样才能成功的完成申请? 到底学校面试官更看重申请者的哪些特质和经验?和大家分享和CAREY 面试官CARLY ACKLEY 的问答环节。
Live Q&Awith the Carey Adcom
August 21 @ 3pm – 4pm (EDT)
Carly Ackley, Associate Director ofAdmissions at Carey Business School
CareyBusiness School (Johns Hopkins University)
Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:05 pm
1.      Q: can you sharewith us what kinds of clubs and student organizations exist for Carey students?
A: Of course. One of the great things about being a part of the Carey community is the impactthat each individual student can have on the school. If you have a club ororganization you want to're free to do so!
In our firstyear of the program alone our students were able to start a number of clubs andorganizations and that has continued to grow each year. For a list of our clubsand orgs, please find it here at:
Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:26 pm
2.      Q: Could youdescribe any hands on 'global' projects tied with the Global MBA? (Spring Breakworking trips, etc.)
A: Yes, I thinkthat is a great question and the reason that a lot of students are interestedin the Global MBA. There are two major hand- on projects, the Innovation for Humanity, which is a 3-week international trip to Rwanda, Peru or India. Studentsact as consultants and are paired with a company to work with them on an actualissue they are facing.
The secondproject is an entrepreneurial project called Discovery to Market. The entirecurriculum is meant to be practicial and experiential, but these two projectsare exceptional examples of that.
两个项目确实比较诱人: 一个就是Innovation for Humanity, 另外一个 Discovery to Market. 照片可以参阅人人网页

3.      Q: What types ofcompanies have recruited or expressed interest in recruiting from the school?For the most recent classes, what were the primary means of securinginternships or full time positions (i.e. school facilitated, alumni contacts,etc.)? Finally, will the school release an employment report of its graduatesinthe near future? Thank you in advance for fielding my questions.

A: Hi William,thank you for your question. Every student that comes to Carey has access andworks VERY closely with our Career Services team. While our students are notrequired to report back to us until September, many of our students juggledmultiple offers and we are just waiting until the end of September to release thefinal information.  

With that said early information is very postive, here is a sampling from where some of our students are currently working: Verizon,Ebay, Amazon, Groupon, Bayer, Merck,Johnson & Johnson, Johns Hopkins MedicalCng.enter, Acumen Fund, World Bank, World Wildlife Foundation, Ernst &Young, PWC, Deloitte, PayPal, Carefirst, Eli Lilly, Gallup, Cigna, MGM,Blackbird.

This is just a sampling of what we are currentlyhearing.

For internships, you start working with Career Servicesearly and often. They will not only work with you to help educationally prepareyou to interview, but you'll also work very closely with our relationship managersto network and meet with the companies you're specifically interested in.
就业的报告, 如上。

4.      Q:Whatpercentage of students receive some form of grant or scholarship?
A: Good question,every student that applies to Carey is automatically considered forscholarships, there is nothing additional you need to do other than apply. Withthat said, last year we offered some form of scholarship to around 35% of the class. Scholarship amounts range between 10,000-full scholarship and aremerit-based.
对于看重奖学金的申请者, 班级里面35% 有奖学金。 奖金数额10,000到全奖。
Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:31 pm
5.      Q: What kind of GMAT quant scores do you look for at Carey?
A: We look atthe entire test as a whole score. Last year our average GMAT was around a 650with an average GPA around a 3.2. We typically for around a 600 or above forthe GMAT or around an 1100 or above for the GRE. Again with this said, wedo look at the entire application, so work experience, essays, fit with theprogram, etc. are also important.
去年GMAT平均分为650,GPA 平均分3.2.

6.      Q: Dose cholarships favor Round1 ?
A: Another goodquestion, thanks! I would say that it is to an individual's advantage to applysooner rather than later. With that said, we accept application through June,but it would not be at an disadvantage until perhaps the last two deadlines,May and June. It's hard to know from year to year, but again the earlier youcan apply, the better it is for you.

7.      Q:Hi Carly, kindof a follow up question on GMAT and GPA can a higher GMAT score (than average)compensate for a GPA that trends below the average you cited earlier.
A: Yes definitely. We honestly consider the entire application. Obviously the numbers,GMAT/GRE and GPA are important, but just as important is fit with the program.We spend a lot of time reading over essays to determine how a prospectivestudent might fit in with our culture and mission. For information on ouradmissions criteria, it can be found here:
GMAT可以补救GPA, 但校方还是要全面衡量。

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-13 11:18:13 | 只看该作者
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