15. Educational institutions should activelyencourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers.
Should educational institutions activelyencourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them forlucrative careers? I think this speaker makes a inexact generalization. Although,there is no doubt that lucrative careers play important roles in people’s life,it is incorrect to assert that lucrative careers are the most important. My personalconviction is that educational institutions should give more respect tostudents’ choice.
Indeed, people nedd lucrative careers toguarantee a content life. The evidence, for example, that all people on theearth look forward to much money for their desires, familly expenses and childreneducation, obviously, is indisputable. However, cogent as it is, this assertionis too arbitrary to be accepted to a certain extent.
To assert that educational institutionsshould give more respect to students’ choice. One point that should be emphasizedis the importance of interest. This is a widespread viewpoint that interests alwayslead more content lives for students with some beautiful dreams after theirgraduating. Let us take a look at the following instance. Darwin chose tobecome a biologist instead a doctor as which his father wanted he to become. Ifhe compromised, it is entirely possible that Darwin would have a bored lifefull of remorse as a doctor. Hence, it is one of the most credible evidencethat interst is one important factor for my assertion.
Besides, there is another unexceptionablefact that lucrative careers will make students more gainfull and more avid formoney. Nowaday, money is gradually becoming drug in some people’s life. Studentsare clean ones so that we cannot make their soul dirty when they are just studyingin colleges. According to the recent conditions of crime in the world, it iseasy for us to find that crime rate of people who got high education is moreand more. So, the fault of lucrative careers is conspicuous.
To sumup, it is cursory to assert that educational institutions should activelyencourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them forlucrative careers. Taking account for all factors mentioned above, I deem that educationalinstitutions should give more respect to students’ choice.
PS:感觉这篇写的很弱。。似乎是破题不够到位。希望能给点详细的建议。。。 |