我今天收到一封BC的邮件,说有一个ONLINE CHATTING关于MBA申请的,于是就进去了,CHAT ROOM只开了一个小时,几个ADMISSION和BC学生回答问题.
有兴趣申请BC的话,可以看下面的记录,BC的finance好象排名top 10
<Allison_Student> laceName w:st="on">BostonlaceName> laceType w:st="on">CollegelaceType> does not have a minimum required GMAT score. The average GMAT score for the full-time class of
2005 was 661. For the part-time program the middle "80%" of the accepted students ranged between 510 and 710.
<Allison_Student> Hi Peina
<eina> HI, Allison
<DL> Thank you Allison, does the admissions team consider PT apps different from FT, for instance I know the qualifications for scores
are a bit lower, but perhaps their is more emphasis on Work experience for PT since the students will continue employment during
<FabianA> What do most students say has been the most insightful or beneficial aspect of the MBA program? For instance the
Consulting Competition, a particular class, a certain club etc.
<John_Admissions> Jackie, yes there are several international opportunities. IME (International management experience) is a class
where you discuss international management issues then visit companies in Europe or Asia and speak with Executives.
<ejw03> John, is there an agreement with any 'other schools' in terms of cross registering so that if at BC I could take a class at another
MBA program? Will each course have to be paid for separately, or is it part of tuition?
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<John_Admissions> We also allow students to study for a semester in the 2nd year. We are flexible on which programs you want to visit
but they must be approved in advance.
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<Jackieo10000> Thanks, John!
<Allison_Student> I think you'll find that most people have different experiences here - overall, the team approach (Business Plan,
Consulting Project) and the relationships built through these projects
<conleyadmissions> DL - the admissions requirements are the same for PT and FT. However, many of our PT applicants have been in
the work force (and out of school longer) so we are able to gather a bit more from their resumes. However, the academic standards
are the same.
<John_Admissions> This link will provide you with more information (click on it)
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<Allison_Student> hi Edward
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<Allison_Student> hi Vanee
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<edward> hi allison
<Vanee> Hello Allison
<SaraB> For the accounting program, it is now required to gain a fifth year of school to be able to sit for the CPA exam. Do they
consider if you have a full time job more than your grades and GMAT scores?
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<ejw03> How many students typically study abroad, not including the IME program? How competitive is it to do the IME program?
<Vanee> I'd like to know how important are GMAT scores in the admissions process?
<Allison_Student> Feel free to jump in with any questions you may have
<edward> allison, could you speak on the entrepreneurial aspects of the mba program at BC
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<Jackieo10000> John, I've looked at the BC web site, is there a place where I can find out more about campus events, info session for
when I plan to visit?
<John_Admissions> ejw03 I am not aware if we have any formal agreements with other schools, but I know of several schools in the
Boston area where students have taken classes. The student is billed by the school they are taking classes in, but BC charges by
credit so it is "taken off" of what you pay to us.
<Allison_Student> Edward, BC offers both an Entrepreneruship Concentration in addition to a student club that focuses on
<conleyadmissions> Sara, we definitely take into consideration full-time work experience. It can add a lot to a student's overall
application profile.
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<ejw03> I see, thank you John.
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<GC> Are all interviews conducted on campus?
<SaraB> Are they any activities for students taking class in the summer?
<Allison_Student> If you're interested in learning more about student activities and clubs, definitely visit the GMA (Graduate
Management Association) website at
<lisam> I spoke with a student who said that it is second year MBA's who conduct the admissions interviews...is this true?
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<ejw03> Are admissions decisions ever given before the decision date?
<BMitchell> I second ejw's question ;-)
<Allison_Student> Lisa, yes - most of the interviews are conducted by 2nd year students who are members of the Admissions
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<eina> I am International student,and I am studying in NYC now,also a Master program, but I still want a MBA. I wanna know is it late
for me to apply for Round 2, I read online the deadline for round 2 is Feb.15? Cause I didn't take GAMT yet, and I knew usually
B-school doesn't consider GRE score. Thanks
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<conleyadmissions> The summer/summer is just that...mostly coursework/time on campus taking place over summer. The academic
year folks are more engaged with academic year activities with the rest of our Grad Students.
<FabianA> Has the downturn in the economy over the past few years had a negative impact on the number of companies recruiting at
BC for full-time and internship opportunities
<John_Admissions> Honestly very few student Study Abroad. They often find out that when they get here its such a short period of time
they do not want to be away. They take much more advantage of the IME and the International Consulting Project which works with
an overseas client. The IME and International Consulting classes are very popular but most students are able to enroll in them.
<SaraB> Thank you all for your time. All o fthe questions that have been asked have helped clarify many questions I had.
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<John_Admissions> Thanks Sara
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<ejw03> Thanks John.
<ejw03> It's true, if 4 years went fast, two years will be light speed.
<John_Admissions> Decisions
<Vanee> I submitted my application before re-taking the GMAT, is that ok?
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<lisam> If I am interested in a "dual degree" with and MA in Higher Education, should I start to think about applying to both programs
<Yuan> Hello
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<conleyadmissions> Most schools have seen a decline in their on-campus recruiting opportunities. However, this has resulted in
Career Services Offices to be more creative in matching opportunities with students...through alumni, facutly,etc. However, most
schools are report upturns in their recruiting efforts, which has been terrific.
<ejw03> Are there more interviews besides the initial one offered as part of the application process?
<John_Admissions> We do our best to get decisions out as early as possible. We use the response date as the latest possible date
that you will receive a decision but it could come earlier.
<sfmanzo> What is the policy on deferred admissions?
<cepierce> When is the best time to apply for the fall semester?
<Allison_Student> Vanee, if you are going to be retaking the GMAT, you will want to contact our office through email
<ejw03> Thanks John, again.
<conleyadmissions> The MBA Program requires one onterview. The MSF Program requires none. THe MSA Program requires none;
however, they often request interviews of candidates.
<ejw03> Have any decisions been made yet? What is the earliest one might here in a normal year?
<FabianA> Thank you conley
<Vanee> Allsion, I noted it on my application that I would be taking it in december, I submitted my application in November
<John_Admissions> lisam, you can apply to both programs simultaneously...
<Allison_Student> That's perfect then, Vanee
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<ejw03> hear i meant
<Vanee> How important are the GMATs in the admissions process?
<Allison_Student> It is to your advantage to apply earlier rather than later. Regardless of the deadline of your application packet, the
Admissions Committee will give full and fair consideration to your candidacy. We do encourage all interested parties to apply early,
regardless of our deadlines.
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<Yuan> Is it possible for me to go for summer intership program as canadian?
<Brahma> What can we expect to be asked in the interview?
<conleyadmissions> The MBA Program does not grant deferrals.Students are required to reapply, though the reapplication
requirements are not as involved and your original application can be used.
<Allison_Student> This link will provide you with more information (click on it)
<Allison_Student> for the class profile
<DL> Hi for the PT program, please give me your thoughts the Leadership for Change Sequence and the Business Development
<ejw03> How involved is career services in the internship process for the summer?
<John_Admissions> however, often Dual Higher Ed applicants are earlier in their career and do not have alot of work experience which
is highly valued in our process, if you think you will be more qualified after a year in the MA Higher Ed you might condsider that.
<conleyadmissions> Yuan - all students are eligible to do a summer internship.
<edward> how do incoming students from nontraditional backgrounds do in the BC MBA program? my family runs a chemical
manufacturer - i want an mba so i can take a leadership role in the company. i was a bio major in undergrad. i took a calc and stats
class.. no other quant classes. Should i be worried at all?
<JJohnson> where do most students live? close to campus? also, are laptops required?
<ejw03> Since the second year classes are held late day or evening, do many students have internships during the second year as
<Allison_Student> Brahma, you should be prepared to talk about your experiences, your future career goals, and how an MBA relates to
your goals.
<conleyadmissions> Edward, your experience is very relevant and quite frankly, we value diversity of background, educational and
professional. And your career path is already defined, which is a plus when applying to an MBA program.
<John_Admissions> Vanee- The GMAT is one aspect of the Admissions process. We lok at an entire application as a whole and do
not weigh one factor more or less than another. it is important that applicants are strong throughout their application.
<Vanee> Thanks, John.
<Allison_Student> JJohnson, many of the students live close to campus, but there are also students who commute from downtown
and outside the city in the suburbs.
<John_Admissions> DL
<ejw03> Is there any on campus housing?
<Allison_Student> Laptops are not requireed, but the entire campus is wireless and many of the students do have them
<DL> Hi John
<Vanee> Also, what does BC offer for life scientists? What does the healthcare club do?
<Allison_Student> Unfortunately there is no on-campus housing for graduate students.
<conleyadmissions> This link will provide you with more information (click on it)
<FabianA> I was looking at the Invest N Kids program, and was wondering if there were any other volunteer opportunities available
through laceName w:st="on">BostonlaceName> laceType w:st="on">CollegelaceType>?
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<lisam> Allison, why did you choose BC over other MBA programs?
<John_Admissions> The leadership for Change Program is a great opportunity to integrate your studies with your current work. It is yet
another example of how we try and integrate our program with real-world applications of the concepts.
<edward> how quant intensive is the program at BC? is there a "quant crash course" offered prior to enrollment ?
<Allison_Student> Fabian, there is a new section on our website under student resources on our website (
<Allison_Student> this has a large list of volunteer opportunities in Boston
<ejw03> What is the earliest any decisions could be sent out? Admittance or denial?
<Brahma> Thanks Allison!!!
<Allison_Student> Lisa, I chose BC for a lot of different reasons - small class size, community, focus on practical experience, faculty
interaction, location in Boston.
<conleyadmissions> Edward, there is no quant course requirement. However, many students choose to "brush-up" on their quant
skills by taking a quant methods course prior to enrolling.
<FabianA> That's great, thank you Allison
<Allison_Student> no problem!
<Vanee> Where is this quant methods course offeredn?
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<conleyadmissions> Edward, taking a course in preparation for the MBA Program is generally well received by the AD COM
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<Allison_Student> Hi Kerwin
<John_Admissions> The Business Development Workshop allows a student to gain insight to how a Company or Business Plan is
established. You work with Entrepreneurs and Business Executives to build a buisness from scartch. These are tools that can be
used in a new business venture or in a well established organization.
<conleyadmissions> Many students take quant courses at local b-schools or laceName w:st="on">HarvardlaceName> Extension School.
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<DL> yes thank you John, those are very good skills BC offers
<Yuan> What is the employment rate for international students
<lisam> Thank you John, Allison and Conley for this insight on the program and the application process.
<BMitchell> My background is more marketing/PR focused, and much less finance/accounting/econ focused. What can I expect my first
year to be like? What can I be doing to prepare for the Qual side? What programs/etc.. are out there to help me in places I might be a
bit rough around the edges?
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<BMitchell> conley, I see part of the answer in your response above.
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<FabianA> Allison, John, and Conley thank you for answering my questions, you all were very helpful. Take Care.
<conleyadmissions> BMitchell, I am going to have Alison,student with non-traditional background, chat with you to give you more
information on her experience in first year.
<Allison_Student> The first year is fairly intensive, I won't lie. But you also have a great support network of classmates and faculty.
<Allison_Student> I prepared by taking a stat and finance course prior to coming...
<Allison_Student> Community colleges are great places to take a class here and there...and usually are not quite as expensive
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<DL> what about a calculus class prior to coming?
<taty14> do you ofeer internships
<conleyadmissions> DL, Calculus would be helpful,certainly. Statistics as well.
<John_Admissions> If your Math Skills are rusty it is helpful to get them "tuned up" but we also offer an online course for all enrolling
students to get everyone up to speed.
<GC> what are the requirements for receiving a merit scholarship?
<piercec> When is the best time to apply for the fall semester?
<whtwy2go> is it preferable or do you have a greater chance of entering with a year or two of experience?
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<whtwy2go> excuse me job experience?
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<conleyadmissions> GC, in general our merit-award recipients tend to have exceptional academic and professional credentials. In
general the top-40% of admitted students will receive a merit-award.
<Allison_Student> Work experience is not required, but having professional experience provides of frame of reference for classroom
discussion and is therefore encouraged. Since our curriculum emphasizes collaborative learning, it is very important that the
Admissions Committee understand the experiences and backgrounds of the prospective applicants. Evaluating how these factors
inform your frame of reference is essential to the admissions process.
<Yuan> What is the employment rate for international students
<Yuan> What is the employment rate for international students
<BrianWai> Hi I just joined
<Allison_Student> Hi Brian
<edward> how competitive are the students - in other words, are they good about helping each other out (ie. students with finance
backgrounds helping out students without finance backgrounds if they need help)?
<Vanee> How dooes the career office help with attaining summer internships?
<John_Admissions> Welcome Brian
<BrianWai> A follow up on the merit-award, what is the amount that is offered?
<Allison_Student> I have found that people are extremely helpful -
<ejw03> How involved is career services in the internship process?
7,0Yuan - 80% of our students were employed within 3 mos. of graduation. More more that 50% of our
7,0internationals were included in that number. Companies issuing visas continues to be a challenge for most international MBAs.
<John_Admissions> Brian, Merit Scholarships are based on individuals skills. The value and terms of those scholarships are
determined by the committee and based on the entire applicant pool.
<DL> is the career office available to PT students? Are there any services for FT not offered to PT students?
<ejw03> Beceause of 2nd year scheduling, do student carry interships over into the second year to gain more experience? Have 2nd
year classes always been held late day?
<Allison_Student> Career Services is available to provide assistance with the internship search. They have several postings online,
and they also offer personal help if you have specific interests//needs
<BrianWai> Thanks John. Are full scholarships offered or only partial?
conleyadmissions is now a Room Moderator in BCCSoMA (issued by John_Admissions)
7,0DL, Career Services works with all of our Graduate Management Students, PT and FT.
<Vanee> thanks allison.
<DL> thx
<Allison_Student> Several of our students do carry their internships over through the year. Due to the structure of the curriculum,
classes in the 2nd year have always been offered late to allow students to work if they are interested.
<Vanee> I have yet to receive an email confirmation about my application (supposed to have arrived 10 days after application)
<John_Admissions> Brian, we offer a full range of scholarships.
<Allison_Student> you're welcome, vanee
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7,0PT students typically use Career Services later in their tenure, when they are looking for new positions.
7,0However, many access Career Services while they are mid-program. It really depends on the student.
<Allison_Student> Hi jessica
<John_Admissions> Welcome Jessica
<Jessica> thanks
<Brahma> Does BC offer research assistantship for 1st year students?
<piercec> Where am I able to find out more information concerning when and where the GMAT is offered?
<Allison_Student> you can visit mba.com for more information regarding the GMAT
<BMitchell> I have to leave, but I sincerely appreciate everyone's time in answering questions. Thank you!
7,0Best of Luck, BMitchell!
<Allison_Student> you're welcome and good luck!
<piercec> When would be the best time to apply for the fall semester?
<Yuan> Do international students have trouble finding summer interships
<whtwy2go> im a little overwhelmed and nervous about moving from the west coast to the east coast, when entering BC what kind of
assistance if offered to help one establish themselves in the area
<John_Admissions> Brahma- All students who are awarded Merit Based Scholarship also receive Graduate Assistantships. These
assistantships could be in the form of doing research with faculty. They could also be in the form of academic administration.
Assistantships are assigned based on the student's background and experience.
<whtwy2go> is*
<Jessica> Wondering if there are any women in business initiatives on campus
<Allison_Student> It is to your advantage to apply earlier rather than later. Regardless of the deadline of your application packet, the
Admissions Committee will give full and fair consideration to your candidacy. We do encourage all interested parties to apply early,
regardless of our deadlines.
<Vanee> good question whtwy2go...i'm in the same boat...in SF right now.
<whtwy2go> me too
<whtwy2go> small world
<telebears> With the first deadline almost a month ago, how do the app look so far as far as numbers and stats go. Is it what you were
<John_Admissions> whtwy2go...
7,0Yuan, 90% of our students obtained summer internships. Roughly 50% of internationals obtained
<Allison_Student> There is a Women in Business club on campus - I would recommend you check out the GMA website for more info.
<John_Admissions> We do our best to help people get settled into Boston. First you are all given Mentors, 2nd year students who
have gone through the process and are familiar in the area.
<Vanee> I've lived in boston for 7 yrs before coming out to sf a year ago... do you have any specific questions about the area?.
<DL> For PT, since there is only one deadline for Fall 05, if I were to submit my app Jan 1 when could I expect to hear back? My
assumption was > 2 mth
<Allison_Student> They offer networking events both on and off campus, and there is a national conference attended by several
members each year.
7,0telebears, our application volume mirrors that of last year. We are pleased.
<piercec> How do students from backgrounds other than business undergrad fair in the process of application?
<piercec> How do students from backgrounds other than business undergrad fair in the process of application?
<piercec> How do students from backgrounds other than business undergrad fair in the process of application?
<John_Admissions> Second, we have access to the University network of housing resources designed to help students find
appropriate housing.
<eina> could i know how many international students are now enrolled in full-time program?
<BrianWai> What % of the program is international students and which countries are represented the highest?
<edward> is it possible to take courses outside of the mba program - such as law school classes?
<John_Admissions> Third, with over 40% of our class from outside the are you will not be alone! Our small community will be very
7,0DL - we could work with you to get a decision to you sooner than later. Give the office a call and we can try to
7,0expedite the process for you. 617.552.3920.
<whtwy2go> i wanted to know about being able to find a part time job in boston, and if i were to moce out there how difficult is it to find
housing .. does the school help with that .... thank you john
<whtwy2go> thats very reassuring
<Allison_Student> Currently, 23% of the incoming class consists of international students
7,0whwy2go - are you FT or PT?
<John_Admissions> pierec- In fact we really like to see "non-business" undergraduate degrees. Our program thrives on diversity and
all backgrounds and experiences help round out the program.
<whtwy2go> i would like to apply to bc as a ft
<Allison_Student> The top countries are Asia, Latin America, and Eastern European
<Allison_Student> But there are lots of others...
<Vanee> what is BC's acceptance rate for 2004?
<DL> Oh great that you, that helps when trying to anticpate when I can tell work I will have a decision! Thank you all so much for your
time. Bye
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<Allison_Student> Vanee, the acceptance rate for the full-time program was 28% for last year
<Jessica> Does BC concentrate on finding a core competency or do we have more flexibility with the curriculum?
<Vanee> thank you allison.
<eina> thanks, Allison, do you know are there international students come from China?
7,0Thank you. We would assist in all aspects of your transition to BC. We have a dedicated staff of housing and
7,0career services professionals that help students put things in place so that they are able to focus on their studies. This includes
7,0helping find housing and part-time work.
<Allison_Student> Yes, there are several students each year that come from China.
<BrianWai> What is the average GMAT for the most recent incomming class?
7,0 661
<Allison_Student> Boston College does not have a minimum required GMAT score. The average GMAT score for the full-time class of
2005 was 661. For the part-time program the middle "80%" of the accepted students ranged between 510 and 710.
<whtwy2go> thank you conley
<conleyadmissions> This link will provide you with more information (click on it)
<John_Admissions> Jessica, I am not sure what you are asking. We have a very flexible curriculum allowing students opportunities to
focus in a large number of areas.
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<whtwy2go> thanx again
7,0Best wishes to you.
<Jessica> for some MBA programs you do not have to take a certain number of classes in a certain "major" and can take a variety...
<Jessica> others force you to select a major and take a number of classes in that major
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<Allison_Student> Hi Tarang
<Tarang> Hi Allison
<John_Admissions> Ahh, Thanks Jessica, you are not required to concentrate. In fact I often encourage people to take the courses
they see as most valuable and then see if it results in a concentration.
<eina> thanks, Allison
<Tarang> I guess I came in a little late and we're wrapping up?
<Jessica> great, thanks Johyn
<Yuan> How does BC help international students find summer intership?
<edward> can mba students take classes outside of the mba program - such as law school classes?
<Vanee> Thanks John and Allison for answering my questions.
<John_Admissions> Ahh we are about to come to the end of our Chat. We thank all of you for your time and if you have further
questions please feel free to contact us.
<Brahma> Does BC offer research assistantship for 1st year students?
<Allison_Student> we are wrapping up soon, but please feel free to call our office with questions (617-552-3920
<JJohnson> this has been very helpful, thank you all for your time and insights |