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[SC总结] SC and the NYT

发表于 2013-2-18 09:15:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
做SC真的很没方法,主要是因为非常非常抗拒做那些练习,总觉得OA都是在justify their own rules of grammar uses. 然后就是容易overthink,什么都觉得awkward,结果答案居然说是对的。于是决定干脆主动一点提起对语法的兴趣。。。之后就开始对纽时的搜罗。。。

纽约时报第二版 "Inside the Times" 会介绍本期的新闻。一般都是一句,有时候是两句。这些句子和gmat的SC句子出奇的相似。。。。

以下是今天,Feb 17的一些句子:
NYT Feb 17

Lawmakers moved closer to passing a package of new gun restrictions in Colorado, a state that has lived in the shadows of two of theworst mass shootings in United States history.

After the recentNew York City school bus strike, museums are searching for ways to bring curriculums they created to schools that cannotget to them (museums).
The granddaughter of a Japanese samurai and jujitsu master,Ms. Fukuda learned judo from its founder and went on to become the sport’s highest-rank woman.
Jon Sebastiani, who represents the fourth generation ofSonoma Valley winemakers, seeshis company, Krave Jerky, asa way to change attitudes about a snack food, Nicole LaPorte writes.
Iran’s supreme leaderrepeated that his country is not in any way seeking nuclear weapons, but said that if theIslamic republic had everdecided to build a nuclear weapon, no “global power” could have been able to stop it.
The buying and selling offederal community development grants has been a longstanding practice in Los Angeles County, but not everyone agrees that it is the best useof the money.
In “Lincoln’s Tragic Pragmatism,” John Burt highlights the difficulties Lincolnfaced in steeringbetween principle and practical politics.
“The Real Jane Austen,” a biography by Paula Byrne, uses everyday objects toexplore influences on the writer’s work.
也有很多是literary review之类的
Unlike(comparison) nearly every city that would dare call itself a global economic hub, NewYork has no express rail link between its airports and its central businessdistricts.
Leaders from the Group of 20, meeting in Moscow, pledgedto let themarkets set currencyvalues and not set rates to gain a competitive edge.
Latinosare now the largest ethnic group in California, and that has led statepoliticians to takea softer approach onimmigration.
The meteor that rattled Siberia on Friday, injuring hundreds ofpeople and traumatizing thousands,has suddenly brought new life to efforts to deploy adequate detection tools, in particular a space telescope that would scan thesolar system for dangers.
总之我觉得还蛮有帮助的。可以对语法更加self-conscious 一点。。。
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