og 99. New theories propose that catastrophic impacts of asteroids and comets may have caused reversals in the Earth's magnetic field, the onset of ice ages, splitting apart continents 80 million years agon, and great volcanic eruptions.
A) splitting apart continents
B) the splitting apart of continents
C) split apart continents
D) contintens split apart
E) continents that were split apart
答案为B. ETS说B中明确了splitting为名词. 保持了平行. 可是C为什么不对呢? OG上说C中split为动词. 可是我字典上split可做: 名词,动词,形容词.
C中split怎么就不能看成名词呢? 似乎还更简洁.或者做形容词也可以呀.. 修饰continents..也还是名词短语.保持了平行..
还有: B中 splitting,我总觉得有进行的意味. . 白勇书上说了. Ving: 表进行,持续性动作. Ved:表结果.完成..这样看来, B并不好?
The decision by one of the nation’s largest banks to admit to $3 billion in potential losses on foreign loans could mean less lending by commercial banks to developing countries and increasing the pressure on multigovernment lenders to supply the funds. (A) increasing the pressure (B) the increasing pressure (C) increased pressure (D) the pressure increased (E) the pressure increasing
答案为C. 对于B,OG说 In choice B, the definite article the needlessly suggests that some previously mentioned type of pressure is being referred to, and increasing implies without warrant that the increase has been continuing for some indefinite period of time, not that it occurs as a consequence of the bank's decision..
这样OG99的B 为什么用the呢? 用 splitting也有正在进行的嫌疑哦???
罗里巴嗦说这么多。..可是实在很晕.. 麻烦大家解答一下!! |