1.Reasearchers have questioned the use of costly and experemental diagostic tests to identify food allergies, such as milk, that supposedly disrupt normal behavior. A. to identify food allergies , such as B. to identify food allergies, like C. to identify food allegies, such as to D. for identifying food allergies , like that of E. for identifying food allergies, such as for 答案:C 我的问题是为什么用such as to 而不是 such as 2.Unlike other arachinids, which have their nerve cells evenly distributed along their bodies, the scorpion's nerve cells are clustered in its head like a mammal's. A ..... B. bodies, the scorpion's head had a cluster of nerve cells, as mammal does C. body, the scorpions has a cluster of nerve cells in its head, as mammal does D. body, nerve cells are clustered in the scorpion's head, like a mammal's E. body, a cluster of nerve cells is in the scorpion's head, like a mammal's 答案 A 我的问题是为什么用bodies 谢谢了~~~ |