The Ph.D. program in Management Sciences at the University of Iowa is nowtaking applications for Fall 2015. At Iowa, you can apply your technicalskills to turn data into real world decisions. But hurry – applicationsare due January 15, 2015.
The University of Iowa is a leaderin business analytics research and education. The program in ManagementSciences offers specializations in each of the following areas: · Information systems – research in this area focuses onthe methodology for managing information and knowledge in organizations. Core areas of research at Iowa include machine learning, data/web mining,bio/medical informatics, and social network analytics. Students withdegrees in computer science and engineering are strongly encouraged to considera Ph.D. in this area.
· Operations management – research in this area focuses onusing advanced analytical methods to help make better business decisions. These methods are rooted in applied math, operations research, andstatistics. Core areas of research at Iowa include vehicle routing,inventory planning, and supply chain management. Students with degrees inmath, applied math, and engineering are strongly encouraged to consider a this area.
· Quantitative methods – research in this area involvesmathematical optimization, heuristic search, and statistics. Core areasof research at Iowa include convex optimization, stochastic optimization,statistics for process improvement, and developing computational techniques forlarge-scale problems involving big data. Students with degrees in math,applied math, and engineering are strongly encouraged to consider a Ph.D. inthis area.
There are many good reasons to geta Ph.D. in Management Sciences at the University of Iowa: 1. You will work one-on-one withinternationally recognized faculty members. 2. Management Sciences is recognized as a STEMprogram, so our graduates are eligible for the 29 month OPT. 3. All admitted students are guaranteedfunding for the first year, and most receive funding for the duration of theirtime in the program. 4. Students and faculty have a strong sense ofcommunity and collaboration, and our students find good jobs at graduationat both universities and companies. 5. We are located in Iowa City which isgreat college town with lots of activities and culture. Iowa City is ranked #6in the nation’s top college towns and #4 among the “brainiest” cities inAmerica.
To learn more about the programand application process, please visit the webpage: