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[issue] Issue求拍,倒是写了不少,但是花了好长时间,也不知道怎么样。。。。

发表于 2012-12-29 14:46:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


The best test of an argument is the argument's ability to convince someonewith an opposing viewpoint.


Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree ordisagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position youtake. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways inwhich the statement might or might not hold true and explain how theseconsiderations shape your position.




The speaker opines that defending against an opposing viewpoint is thebest way to test an argument and I concur with it. Admittedly that there areother ways like take the argument into practice and so forth, however, they arenot the best way to judge an argument. We can clarify this point by discussionin fields of science, philosophy and business.

In the science realm, especially in physics, a point of view will belargely accepted if it can beat other viewpoints and doubts. For a famousexample, Einstein come up with the theory of relativity last century, butalmost no one thought it was true at the beginning. After his announce of thetheory, lots of physicians, especially classical scientists, said Einstein'sargument belied scientific facts and it was totally wrong. Confronting with themountains of challenges, Einstein defended his theory and convinced them by hisawesome inductions. And most of people in the world accept the theory ofrelativity now and there are only few people think it's incredible nowadays.This vivid example indicates that in scientific field, a view can be acceptedif it can withstand all the challenges by dissent views. To defend it againstopposing perspectives, a point can also be improved and compact.

As for the consideration in philosophy, arguments will not be diminishedcan definitely beat others at least in some aspect. If someone wants toconvince a view in philosophy by practice, others will think he's crazy. Inphilosophy, most of the topics are not realistic to take it into practice. Forinstance, if some people are arguing about the status of someone dies, one maythink the dead man will become another creature on the earth and other onesmight reckon that he will become angel in the heaven or devil in the hell. Ofcourse, to verify it by trial and error is impossible and stupid. But byarguing, as most of philosophers did, both arguments have their own supports soboth of them have their own followers. Someone may say that challenging othersin words is always ungrounded. Nevertheless, I cannot agree with that becausechallenging by debates have to be based some facts in life. It's true that wecannot test on a real man to decide what will happen to him after he die, butpeople in different sides must provide some symptoms or reasons. Without a testexact set to it, arguments can also be convincing by some other reasons.

In addition, the best test of arguments in business arena is the same asabove two fields. A policy in a firm is always made by debating in boardmeetings. Judging how to arranging a barrel of money is often decided byexcogitating a bunch of ideas first, and list pros and cons of eachpossibility, and at last make the decision by debate. In the debate process,one can be challenged by others about the disadvantages of his point of view,which are always considered opposing ideas. In the process of guarding anddefending, his argument will be accepted by more people if it's really a goodone and it can be also improved if some suggestions are helpful. Mature ideasin business world can withstand every chance of bankruptcy, and no one can takeit into practice first and then decide because on the one hand, money islimited and on the other, marketing is pretty risky and a loss may not be madeup after the practice. Someone may argue that people can just put a smallamount of money in the market and see how it works. But this kind of test is stillrisky because we may know the fallacy of composition, which means what is truefor a small amount of things may not be true for a large quantity.

To sum up, I insist that an argument is convincing enough if and only ifone can defend the idea against other opposing doubts. Not only it does inareas of science or philosophy, it's also true in all the other fields likebusiness.
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发表于 2012-12-29 21:16:44 | 只看该作者
The speaker opines that defending against anopposing viewpoint is the best way to test an argument and I concur with it.Admittedly that there are other ways like taking the argument into practice and so forth,however, they are not the best way to judge an argument. We can clarify thispoint by discussion in fields of science, philosophy and business.

In the science realm, especially in physics,a point of view will be largely accepted if it can beat other viewpoints anddoubts. For a famous example, Einstein come up with the theory of relativitylast century, but almost no one thought it was true at the beginning. After hisannounce of the theory, lots of physicians, especially classical scientists,said Einstein's argument belied scientific facts and it was totally wrong.Confronting with them ountains ofchallenges, Einstein defended his theory and convinced them by his awesomeinductions. And most of people in the world accept the theory of relativity nowand there are only few people think it's incredible nowadays. This vividexample indicates that in scientific field, a view can be accepted if it canwithstand all the challenges by dissent views. To defend it against opposingperspectives, a point can also be improved and compact.

As for the consideration in philosophy, arguments will not be diminished candefinitely beat 怎么有两个谓语others at least in some aspect. If someone wants to convince a view inphilosophy by practice, others will think he's crazy. In philosophy, most ofthe topics are not realistic to take it into practice. For instance, if somepeople are arguing about the status of someone dies, one may think the dead manwill become another creature on the earth and other ones might reckon that hewill become angel in the heaven or devil in the hell. Of course, to verify itby trial and error is impossible and stupid. But by arguing, as most ofphilosophers did, both arguments have their own supports so both of them havetheir own followers. Someone may say that challenging others in words is alwaysungrounded. Nevertheless, I cannot agree with that because challenging bydebates have to be based some facts in life. It's true that wecannot test on areal man to decide what will happen to him after he die, but people indifferent sides must provide some symptoms or reasons. Without a test exact setto it, arguments can also be convincing by some other reasons.

In addition, the best test of arguments inbusiness arena is the same as above two fields. A policy in a firm is alwaysmade by debating in board meetings. Judging how to arranging a barrel of moneyis often decided by excogitating a bunch of ideas first, and list pros and consof each possibility, and at last make the decision by debate. In the debate process,one can be challenged by others about the disadvantages of his point of view,which are always considered opposing ideas. In the process of guarding anddefending, his argument will be accepted by more people if it's really a goodone and it can be also improved if some suggestions are helpful. Mature ideas inbusiness world can withstand every chance of bankruptcy, and no one can take itinto practice first and then decide because on the one hand, money is limitedand on the other, marketing is pretty risky and a loss may not be made up afterthe practice. Someone may argue that people can just put a small amount ofmoney in the market and see how it works. But this kind of test is still riskybecause we may know the fallacy of composition, which means what is true for asmall amount of things may not be true for a large quantity.

To sum up, I insist that an argument isconvincing enough if and only if one can defend the idea against other opposingdoubts. Not only it does in areas of science or philosophy, it's also true inall the other fields like business.

固然你能指出使持相反观点的人信服是对一个结论的最好证明,不过你也必须考虑到它可能的不太好的地方,并给出合理的解释,这样才使得你自己这篇issue convince us
发表于 2012-12-30 12:07:28 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-30 13:07:19 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-30 13:07:58 | 只看该作者


-- by 会员 普渡哥 (2012/12/30 12:07:28)

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