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The claim suggests that sometimes scandals are more usefulfor they expose some fact that speakers, reformers dare not to say. I partiallydisagree with the claim. I must concede that it is true that scandals areuseful for some affairs, but more than their benefits, scandals are not alwaysuseful and sometimes they are counterproductive and have an harmful effect inthe society. First, I must concede that on someoccasions, scandals expose some facts that speakers and reformers dare notsaying in the pubic. For they have to maintain a good reputation among thepeople and just take responsibilities for what they say. But scandal is madeand bruited anonymously and penetrates our lives quickly and soon we becomeaware of issues we care about most or some corruptions of the official. (丑闻可以是很多种人的,明星的,科学家的,政客的等等)A politic scandal can expose aunqualified official and help the revitalization of the government; A foodscandal can let us be more careful when selecting food. Without these scandals,we will never know the of deleterious? things of our nation, andessential problems of the nation will never be solved.我希望你能在这段里具体说丑闻到底有什么作用,而不仅是简单的一句丑闻能暴露出问题,比如丑闻能吸引大众的关注和司法机构的调查,进而能使真相大白,违法者得到应得的惩罚。
But, we can not rely on scandal only. Sometimes,the scandal makes us confuse and overemphasizes one fault, regardless of theircontributions. Human is not god so every person tends to make mistake, nomatter how brilliant he is. The scandals may too focus on one's faults, andtheir greatnesses have been neglected. It is not fair. Michael Jordan, one ofthe greatest basketball players, becomes more than once the target of the scandals:His divorce with his wife and his dishonesty, his gambling habit. Maybe it istrue that Jordanhas these defects, but these defects shall not overshadow his passion, his endeavor,his attachment to the sport. If an individual focuses on the scandals, hisopinions will become more and more radical and cynical. 其实在西方人看来,丑闻是好事儿,能帮助当事人改正错误,哪怕是一点小错误,而不像我们认为的丑闻就一定是把一个人给黑掉。
Moreover, scandals are just tools for somebody 这里你狭隘地理解了丑闻,丑闻不知可能是个人的,也可能是一个机构或者组织的,比如水门事件涉及到几乎整个白宫的人rather thanexposing problems of the society. The makers knead the scandals and then bruitit. So an individual should avoid believing blindly in scandals and be carefulto establish the fact relating to them,before making any judgment.Nowadays, more and more people want to be recognized and famous in the pubic, sothey make scandals to draw the attention of society. Moreover, as competitionis becoming more and more universal and severe, it is inevitable for somepeople to make scandals to slander and undermine their competitors. Therescandals are not based on the truths, and its maker just spreads it for theirown purposes regardless of what the scandal will affect the nation. To trustthem blindly will make an individual to suspect the society and the stabilityand the safety of the nation may be to suffer.
So to sum up, sometime scandals are beneficial tothe nation, for it debunk the ugliness of the society and let us focus on theissues that we care about. However, to trust them blindly will do harm to anindividual's ability to judge and undermine a nation's security. Thus, anindividual must have the ability to think actively of the scandals and make andecision on his own.个人建议丑闻你可以好好探探它的好处,并提下可能的坏处(如果因为不实消息而让某些人收到穷追猛打刨根问底的指责攻击),最后指出其不足(丑闻不能代替法律和制度的作用,丑闻最多是在道德层面上给当事人一点影响,要真正发挥作用,还需司法部门的介入。) |