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[issue] 新G ISSUE 15 习作 新人第一次备考 求狠拍

发表于 2012-11-30 22:23:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
题目Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers. 总觉得自己有点偏题 感觉像是写成了人们是不是该选择钱多的职业 但是看了下其他大神们的提纲, 发现差不多都是这样 自己写了40分钟- - 接近600字 修改了下到 650 求亲们使劲拍我 谢谢大家百忙抽出时间~
There is an old question. Can money buy everything in the world? People always hold divergent answers to this question due to their different life experience which result in their attitude towards the wealth.But we do not need to answer the question in order to evaluate the above statement. In fact, money can buy a lots of things, like cars, houses even the political power, and it has became the most precious part when people are measuring their success in career. So when a man is facing some choice about their career, a job with high pay always attracts attention, especially he or she is a student without the experience in the society.

Admittedly, the salary the job offers will decide a man's status and his ability to enjoy life. After all, most of products we used in daily life can be defined precisely by money. In general the more money you make, the more availability of luxuries you will get, which result in a higher life standards. However, there are many vocations which do not have enough pay deserving the efforts of its workers. If the assumption in the statement is right, that the revenue decides the quality of a job, such jobs with less money will never attract anyone's attention. So that without the availability of such jobs, our society will lose it's efficiency and even can not run normally, like a sophisticated machine without some components will not afford the whole system.

But in contrast with the assumption, a great number of people choose these jobs as their first option without hesitation. Is it meaning that they do not need the money for enjoying a better life? I do not think so. From a human's nature, refusion for a better life under allowance of the condition is unacceptable. After all, everyone needs a better life for themselves and their family. More reasonable explanation is that they regard something else more precious than money. Like Dr. Sheldon Cooper in the TV show<< Big Bang theory>>, he never regards the money provided by a job as the wealth it stands for, especially when he is facing the possible important breakthrough in science. We can not say the science are more important to whole society than money. Both of them have its own usefulness for people and cannot replace each other. But in Sheldon's eyes, a job with the possibility to make great achievement in physics is more attractive than any others. He has his own standards for measuring a job.

So do many scientists. They often choose the laboratories as the wonderful working place. However, because of the limitation of the job financial support and the high cost on equipments, they can not get the money deserving their effort. But most of them enjoy their jobs and regard the scientific development as the most exciting part of their jobs. Even normal people like us have their own standards for a job. Some ambitious politicians will think the power and reputation as the most valuable character of a position, while a cooker will consider the precious ingredients, like some sauce which have been preserved for hundreds years, as the most important part of a job. We may not deny the importance of a decent salary. After all, no one can live without money in modern society. But the feeling of achievements or something else you really want can be part of jobs' attraction. Thus as a student, thinking about what you want in future jobs is an important course in your campus' life, which decides your direction when you need to make a choice among a variety vocations available.

In a conclusion, A job with high pay always hold higher attention from people, while other important parts of a job are meaningful to someone especially. We cannot deny the attraction of money, while the influence of others should not be ignored.
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发表于 2012-12-1 10:31:15 | 只看该作者
lucrative careers  不局限于谈钱吧?
 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-1 13:49:34 | 只看该作者
嗯 好像是的 偏向于profits的感觉 感觉好像也差不多 不是很确定
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