GWD26-38 Finally reaching a decision on an issue that has long been politically charged in the Pacific Northwest, politicians decided to postpone by at least five years an ambitious plan to protect wild salmon and other endangered fish, instead of which they proposed a series of smaller steps, by which they intend to protect the fish. A. politicians decided to postpone by at least five years an ambitious plan to protect wild salmon and other endangered fish, instead of which they proposed a series of smaller steps, by which they intend B. politicians decided to postpone by at least five years an ambitious plan to protect wild salmon and other endangered fish, proposing instead a series of smaller steps intended. C. politicians decided to postpone by at least five years an ambitious plan for protecting wild salmon and other endangered fish, and instead they proposed a series of smaller steps, intending. D. an ambitious plan to protect wild salmon and other endangered fish was postponed by politicians, who instead proposed a series of smaller steps, intending. E. an ambitious plan to protect wild salmon and other endangered fish has been postponed by politicians, proposing instead a series of smaller steps intended. 老题目了拿出来都不好意思。不过好象没有人怀疑这道题目的 答案,但我总觉有问题:我认为选C,原因是虽然for这一结构 不够简洁,但没起歧义,但请看B中,to do结构却可以理解为, politicians postpone了这个plan是为了to protect wild salmon and other endangered fish。也就是说to do用来修饰主语,而非plan。 请指教!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-3 19:50:04编辑过] |