1.先来分析一下,he was a small-town midwesterner ......thrust into a world dominated by wealthier, better-educated, and more polished people than he.[thrust过去分词引导定语从句修饰宾语midwesterner],清晰易懂,而A who was、that was明显多于,都是用于英语修饰不如直接加修饰语更加清晰。 2.比较对象:将原句用主动语态改下 (wealthier better-educated and more polished) people dominateda world than he(dominated a world )主语比较,不用him,因此A错 -- by 会员 sisichen666 (2012/10/21 14:11:09)
查其它帖子的时候aeoluseros 说he后面省略谓语was... 因为这句话是people和he比较,所以可不可以理解为:a world dominated by people who are wealthier, better-educated,and more polished than he (was)..... |