ISSUE132 Some people believe that our ever-increasing use of technology significantly reduces our opportunities for human interaction. Other people believe that technology provides us with new and better ways to communicate and connect with one another.
Does the development of technology provide more immediate and convenient ways, or rather impede the communication and connection between people? In my view, people are provided with better ways to communicate in the information age insofar that we use them properly.
One compelling argument is the enormous development of transportation means-including cars, motor trains, as well as air-planes-enable us to cover distance within hours or days which may take ancient people months or years to travel. There is a poetic term in Chinese which can be literally translated as “a farewell involving life and death” which means the only chance for departing ancient people seeing each other again may be afterlife or next life, indicating the point to which the inconvenience of transportation severely impeded communication. Today, even I stayed in a university in Southern China and my parents in Northern, an air travel of two hours can enable me to see them immediately. The size of China has never changed-it is the development of transportation through improvement of technology that has made such cases possible.
Another compelling argument for the technology has to do with the fact that how communicating devices like mobile phones and computers facilitate us to communicate with anyone at any time on this planet. Many young couples in last generation in China broke up, as one went to universities in other cities while the other had to stay at home due to the rare opportunities available for education at that time. They soon lost contact as letters were the only way to communicate. When one got the letter from the other, it had already been one or two month later. Today, however, long-distant relationship is not a miracle any more due to the invention of mobile phones and computers. Couples and friends can text, call, or even web-cam each other whenever they feel like. How could one argue opportunities of communication have been undermined considering these?
Additionally, communication, in one way, should not just limited to one-to-one or face-to-face conversation with our friends, relatives, bosses or co-workers, it can also involve interacting with someone unfamiliar- in other words, changing ideas and communicating through books, videos or even films. In light of the digital age, there is no need for people to go to a bookstore, as most of the books are available on the Internet. Therefore, the communication with writers, filmmakers, actors is also enhanced.
Admittedly, the fast increasing mess-media, especially the Internet, has led to the decrease of communication to a certain extent, comparing today’s young people’s addiction to the Internet. A book called “the Dumbest Generation” published in 1998 blamed the stupidity and lack of communication of young adults to the Internet, especially those social sites. However, this does not mean the development of technology force us to do so. Technology has provided us with a golden age full of new and great means to get access to our relatives, celebrities or even the whole world, and it is us who are left to make a choice whether to make good use of them.
To sum up, the development of technology, especially the new transportation and communication means have provided people with chances for a far better communication, people, instead of staying at home and drown in social net work site, should learn to utilize those merits to the largest extent.
-- by 会员 d0gzi (2012/10/23 0:28:44)