但我们也碰到过gerund与noun平行的案例,笔记上也说功能对称也就可以了 OG-12-119"New theories propose that catastrophic impacts of asteroids and comets may have caused reversals in the Earth’s magnetic field, the onset of ice ages,the splitting apart of continents,80 million years ago, and great volcanic eruptions."
Okay, here is the catch. There are two types of gerund: the simple gerund, which is often followed by a noun, such as "tasting beer", and the complex gerund, which is often preceded by article (a, an, or the), such as "the beer tasting" and "a rising star." By rule, ONLY COMPLEX gerund can be made paralleled to action nouns.
For example, in the example above. "reversals"(action noun), "the onset"(action noun), "the splitting apart of continents" (complex gerund)
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