in 1999 should modify led to the passage ; a verb modifier that states when the passage was led when u place in 1999 close to Act , it seems that you are using in 1999 to act as a noun modifier to modifier Act ( Act that was in 1999) you are creating an ambiguity for placing in 1999 at the end of the sentence, which can actually have two possible items to modify(passage? or act?) -- by 会员 DUKB24 (2012/10/16 22:58:45)
190. (GWD-28-Q24)Until the passage of the Piracy andCounterfeiting Amendments Act in 1982, a first-time charge of copyrightinfringement was merely a misdemeanor charge, federal prosecutors beingunlikely in pursuing criminal copyright infringers, while offenders weresubject to relatively small penalties.A. charge,federal prosecutors being unlikely in pursuing criminal copyright infringers,while offenders wereB. charge,with federal prosecutors who were unlikely to pursue criminal copyrightinfringers, offenders beingC. charge,federal prosecutors unlikely to pursue criminal copyright infringers, whileoffenders wereD. charge; therefore, federal prosecutors wereunlikely in pursuing criminal copyright infringers and offenders being (E)E. charge;therefore, federal prosecutors were unlikely to pursue criminal copyrightinfringers, and offenders were请看这道题的原句,这样用是不是也产生了歧义呢-- by 会员 呆牛牛 (2012/10/17 18:05:58)
yes u r right and you also point the most annoying yet interesting point in GMAT SC the GMAT official sometimes is inconsistent in the explanation and problems ( especially when it comes to pronoun ambiguity issue) so ,here are the few tips: for non-underlined portions, what you need to do is to figure out why this portion should be right .. but sometimes this part is poorly written(like the example you raise and also many examples about pronoun issues and others), you should acknowlege this error but tolerate it ... since those poorly written sentences are also accepted by the authority, you should accpeted this sorts of ambiguity as well(followed the thingking pattern of these officials ) for underlined portion, you should look for the splits to figure out what is being tested here like the example above, the placement of modifier is actually split, here you should think that you are probably being test a point that modifier should be placed closely to the intended noun( otherwise,it will change/obsure/distort the meaning or even render illogical meaning) the placement of modifier is an issue frequently being tested by the GMAT, so you should be confident when finding this split the same also applies to pronoun ambiguity, just look for the splits to guide you the clue for solving the problem will always be buried in the five answer choices -- by 会员 DUKB24 (2012/10/17 20:33:28)
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