今天加试的verbal啊!what the hell! 先说分数吧 154+165 准备再战了:(再说寂静吧 Issue: Universities Should Require Every Student To Take A Variety Of Courses
Argument:"There is now evidence that the relaxed manner of living in small towns promotes better health and greater longevity than does the hectic pace of life in big cities. Businesses in the small town of Leeville report fewer days of sick leave taken by individual workers than do businesses in the nearby large city of Mason City. Furthermore, Leeville has only one physician for its one thousand residents, but in Mason City the proportion of physicians to residents is five times as high. And the average age of Leeville residents is significantly higher than that of Mason City residents. These findings suggest that people seeking longer and healthier lives should consider moving to small communities."
There is no Pinyin in the lib. Sorry about that. The only few words I can recall are ubiquitous, pejorative, trenchant... and meager. Meager was tested many times...I didn't get that...Unfortunately... Hope it can help. Good luck!