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专业介绍系列之三: Health Care Management

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发表于 2003-7-4 09:59:00 | 只看该作者

专业介绍系列之三: Health Care Management

尽管MBA 申请不象其它master program那样强调专业方向, 但由于每个申请人的工作背景和职业目标还是多有确定的取向的; B-School在录取人的特点上以及课程设置上也充分考虑到专业发展方向的问题. 下面继续给大家介绍B-School一般的专业课程设置.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-7-4 10:01:00 | 只看该作者
The rapidly changing health care industry is the USA's second largest employer. The manager's role in health care organizations continues to grow in importance. In response to the demand for skilled managers and policy makers, the Health Care Management major builds upon the established strength of the management core and provides, in addition, a series of courses that familiarize the student with unique aspects and issues of the health care industry. An interdisciplinary faculty based in the business, medical, nursing and dental schools and in the School of Arts and Sciences, together with adjunct faculty from area health organizations, help the MBA student majoring in health care to be unusually well qualified to respond to the many critical problems now faced by hospitals, government agencies, group practices, pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms, insurance organizations, HMOs, and consulting firms.

 楼主| 发表于 2003-7-4 10:13:00 | 只看该作者
据我了解: 在health Care方面比较强的学校有: Wharton, Duke, kellogg, Hass,和 UNC等等. Wharton 和 Duke的每一年的MBA health Care 方向要招多达6个MD. 而且,即使是近年就业不景气的情况下, health Care毕业生还是很抢手,毕业时2-3个不错的offer已到手了.

sfish版主更了解本专业方向. 还是请他谈谈. 其它XDJM有相关信息也请交流一下吧.
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