In virtually all types of tissue in every animal species dioxin induces the production of enzymes that are the organism's attempt to metabolize .or render harmless ,the chemical irritant. OG上的一道题,请问the chemical irritant是什么成分,整个句子怎么看起来有点别扭呢。。。请大神们指教啊
我看着这题的E好久,念了几百遍,都没理解这个harmless该怎么定性.直到看了楼上的解释:render为"使得"的意思(后接受词+受词补语 ),才搞明白. 不妨把render换成make,好理解一些! Organism's attempt to metabolize, or make harmless, the chemical irritant. =Organism's attempt to metabolize the chemical irritant, or to make the chemical irritant harmless.