• Educational institutions have aresponsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which theyare unlikely to succeed.
What is the right action that educationalinstitutions should take when students pursuing a field in which they areunlikely to succeed? The speaker claims that educational institutions should dissuade students. Iagree with his idea with conservations because this action basically accords tothe purpose of education but also have the possibility to undermine it.
First of all, it avoids wasting society's resources andstudent’s time and talent. As we all know, the basic purpose of education is toprepare a man to be both a capable workforce and citizen. If a student choosesthe field unlikely to succeed, no matter because the field itself goes to anend like alchemy or because the student doesn’t have enough talent, he will not be prepared to any jobs, or even worse, fails to be a capable citizen.Then, all resources invested to that student becomes a big waste, it could have been spent on building shelters for orphans or job skill training for joblesspeople. The student also loses his precious time.
Another benefit from dissuading studentsfrom fields they are not likely to succeed is helping students to master theability of continually learning after they graduate. Besides teaching studentsto be workforce and citizen, true education also teaches students how to self-assessingand judge. In the future life, man will face enormous choices in his careerwhich requires precise self-assesment and wise judgment. A student spendingtime on a field which is not a good choice must deeply believe the field is quiteworth to persuade and believe himself has talent which proved he is poor atinformation gathering, self-assessing and judging. When advised by thecollege, an experienced authority the students trust, they will tendto review and judge their choice carefully. During this process, students upgradetheir ability of evaluating themselves and judging.
However, the speaker goes too far on “dissuade”,for the college have neither the ability to evaluate every single student’stalent in certain field precisely nor the right to make students change theirfield. The student himself is the one knows his potential and limit best.Interest, passion and hardworking sometimes fill the gap of talent. It alsodeprives students’ free will by dissuade them from their loving field, therefore undermining the purpose of education. A compromising way for educationalinstitution is to only provide sufficient information in all fields and offertalent evaluating just for reference. Students then make the choice based on abundant information whetherstaying at their loving field or making change so that they keep their right ofchoice as well as learn how to self-assess and judge wisely.
In sum, I agree that the educational institution is responsible to provide information and advise students, but never coercethem change their field. That is the way to practice the true purpose ofeducation.