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[推荐]PhD Interview专题

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发表于 2003-3-6 19:52:00 | 只看该作者

[推荐]PhD Interview专题






--May I speak to XXX? This is XXX calling.
--May I speak to XXX?
--Sorry he is out.





Professor: This is Professor XXX,who is that?
You: Oh,this is XXX speaking,How are you?
整个过程大致持续10-40分钟。最后别忘了说Thank you for calling me!









1. Why are you interested in ***?

2. Why you want to have your graduate study in US?

3. What are you doing now? / please describe your research interest.

4. What's your plan in this univ.?

5. What's your plan after you finish your study?

6. Did you use any English textbook in classes?

7. Will you like to study in a small but with high quality university or a big university like Harvard or Princeton?

8. Do you apply for other university or contact with other faculties in the

9. How about your ability to be a teaching assistant?

10. Who is the great person in the world in your eyes?

11. Why pursue phd?

12. Can you come july?

13. Do you have any special or excellent idea during your research experience?

14. Would you please introduce your recent research work?

15. The research project is very dificult?

16. I have noticed that you had experience in industry, would you please introduce your work before?

17. What is the time in beijing?

18. What's the weather of Beijing?

19. How about the whether here or in some place today?

20. where are you from?what do you do in your spare time?

21. What is your favor?

22. What are your strengths?

23. Please introduce yourself.

24. do you have any friends in XXX?

25. Do you have sisters or brothers?

26. How many students in your University?

27. How many department in your University?

28. what"s your research interest?what do you plan to do in XXX?

29. If I give you the OFFER, HOW LIKELY YOU WILL GO?(Sure, UIUC has good reputation, and you are doing what I'm interested in. balabala...)

30. what you like, experimental of analytical?

31. could you describe something about your work at XXXX university?

32. Why are you going to USA not staying your homeland to study?

33. What will you plan to do in the future?

34. Which coure do you choose this term?

35. What is your major now? Say something about your work, etc.

36. Are you a graduate student, what is your job?

37. Why do you want to study in XXX?

38. How do you study your English?

39. Do you think you are a nature leader?

40. Which program do you think is most meaningful in your past work?

41. What programming language do you know?

42. How do you know about our department?

43. What do you think about our department?

44. Is there some special faculty you are interested in?

45. Have you contact with any professor?

46. There are some differences between the education systems of US and China.
What preparition have you made?

47. Have you received any offers? Which school gave you offers?

48. Any formal TA training? Have taken TSE?

49. Do you have any experiences in teaching?

50. Tell me something about your teaching or conduct meeting experience.

51. When is the vacation of your University?

52. I see by your transcript that you''ve done very well in most of your courses. XXX seems to be an area in which you don''t do as well. Can you tell me why?'

53. How did you a C student in XXX, get placed in an honors level course?

The professor may tell you the several word listed below.
1) This speak is to test your speaking English.
2) Do you have some question on me/ or on my institute?
3) What are you doing now?
4) As for XXX, are you insterested?

1. How many hours per week should a Teaching Assistant work for?
2. How about the stipend of assistantship? Will it be sufficient to cover li
ving expense and tuition?
3. How is the weather in ***? Is it hot/cold in *** in summer/winter?
4. How is the study in your school?
5. How is the housing?
6. when can I get your decision?
7. How many overseas students in your university?
8. How many years should I spent to get my Ph.D.?

Prof: Hello, may I talk to ***?
I: Yeah, this is *** speaking. Is that prof. ##? Hi, good afternoon/evening/
最后: Thank you for calling, good bye.

I beg your pardon. Excuse me!
Yeah, I know it, but I don't know how to express it in English.

Sorry, I can't hear you very clearly, would you please speak a lit
tle more loudly?
Sorry, the phone line is not clear, would you please speak louly?
I beg your pardon?

不好回答时: Well, I have no idea of it now. Can I reply you later by email?

Yes, I want to. But you know, I can not go without full financial aid.

打你手机时:I am at the dorm now. you may call at....
This is my mobile,there are some signals in the line. Would you please dial my number of 86-10-6279XXXX after 5 minutes ...

1.My Strength:
2.My greatest weakness
3.What's your greatest accomplishments?
4.Describe yourself:
 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-6 19:53:00 | 只看该作者


Useful Dialogue

◎Yeah, This is xxx speaking. you must be prof xxx(greeting)
◎how are you? thanks for calling(over)
◎Sorry, I cann't hear you clearly, would you please speak a littel more loudly?
  (disguise the things not understand)
◎Yeah, I know it, but I don't know how to express it in English.

Common Questions

◎Please introduce yourself.
◎What's your major and research work?
◎Please tell me your working experience.

◎How about the whether here or in some place today?

◎Why you choose this univ.? ( Why are you interesting in XXX University? )
◎Will you like to study in a small but with high quality university or a
  big university like Harvard or Princeton?

Career Plan
◎What will you plan to do in the future?

Teaching Exp.

◎Did you use any english textbook in classes?
◎How about your abblity to be a teaching assistant? (I told him it's no problem if use Chinese, but I need some practice in English.)
◎Any formal TA training? Have taken TSE?
◎Tell me something about your teaching or conduct meeting experience.

Research Exp.

◎What are you doing now ( project thesis content evaluation deficiency )?
◎As for XXX, are you insterested?
◎research interest & research background,
They are interested in what you have done and also your opinions.
Moreover, They are interested in important projects like sponsored by the Na
tional (Social) Science Foundation,etc.
◎Do you have any special or excellent idea during your research experience?

Personal Ques.

◎Do you have some question on me/institute?
◎Why are you going to USA not staying your homeland to study?
  Why you want to have your graduate study in US?
◎What is your major now?
◎What is your favor? Hobby sports and music.
◎What's your plan in this univ.?
◎What's your plan after you finish your study?
◎Do you apply for other university or contact with other faculties?
◎If we give you this offer, will you accept it? Now, you could ask me
  questions about this position.
◎If you have any classmates in this university.
◎why pursue phd?
◎When is the vacation of your University?
◎You are a undergraduate or postgraudate student?
◎Where are you from?
◎Have you contact with any professor?
◎How do you study your English?
◎Who is the great person in the world in your eyes?
◎What programming language do you know?
◎Is there some special faculty you are interested in?
◎what is your toefl score
◎The research project is very dificult?
  tell him you work 16 hours a day, plan 5-6 years finished it
◎if I give you offer, can you come july?
  tell him you only can come august,else he will feel you are
  not strong enough.
◎There is a lot difference between the China & Amercia
  education systems, what you will prepare for it and for the school.

My Ques.

climate, living expense, tution and fee, the amount of TA, Research Project
 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-6 19:54:00 | 只看该作者


P:Hello, Is this M speaking?
/or/ This is XXX speaking.May I speak to ....?
M:Yes, It is me. You must be Prof. ***, How are you?
P:How are you?
M:Fine,I am waiting for your calling.
/or/ yeah,it's me and I am waiting for your phone interview.
1.M:Sorry, your voice is not very clear.
2.I am sorry but the phoneline is not very clear.
3."would you please speak a little more loudly?"
4.I'm a little excited and nervous.
5.please speak slowly and I cannot catch you。
6.Sorry, i can not hear you very clearly, would you please speak a littel mo
re loudly?
7.Yeah, I know it, but I don't know how to express it in English.
1.Thank you very much for your calling.
2.It's nice talking to you.
3.I do appreciate you give me such a good chance to talk to you.
research work
1.I've read your PS, so I want to learn something about your research experi
ence.Would you please say something about that?
Tell me something about your teaching experience.
3.They are interested in what you have done and also your opinions.
Moreover, They are interested in important projects like sponsored by the Na
tional (Social) Science Foundation,etc.
They are interested in what you have done and also your opinions.
4.Do you have any special or excellent idea during your research experience?

5.You published a paper in Engilish, is it written by yourself
or done by collaborating with your colleague.
7.Do you have any special or excellent idea during your research experience?

8.Do you have a paper as the first author?
1.What programming language do you know?
2.Have you taken TSE?
3.icc:How do u learn English?
  me:We chinese students mainly learn English through formal class
   and have little chance in communicating with foreigns.But I
   think We chinese students would grasp it fluently if given
   enough chances
4. How about your abblity to be a teaching assistant? (I told him it's no ro
blem if use Chinese, but I need some practice in English.)
5.What is your Toefl score?
P:Is this your office?...
M:It is my laboratory.
1.Where are you from?
2.How about the weather here today?
How about the weather here or in some place today?
3.Please introduce yourself.
4.What do you do in your spare time? what's your hobby?
5. Who is the great person in the world in your eyes?
1.icc:why are you interested in TWU?
  meibrary School rank of USNEWS
2. Why are you going to USA not staying your homeland to study?
3.what are you going to do here?
  What's your plan in this univ.?
4.why pursue phd?
5.What do you plan to do in the future?
6.what are your plan in 5 to 10 years
7. Why are you going to USA not staying your homeland to study?
1.Who are your recommedors?
5.If we give you this offer, will you accept it?
  if I give you offer, will you come in July/june?
6. Will you like to study in a small but with high quality university or a b
ig university like Harvard or Princeton?
7.Prof: Have you applied for other universities?
  me: Yeah, I have applied to about 10 universities, including ...
  do you apply any other school?
  Do you apply for other university or contact with other faculties in the -
Why do you apply for university of XXX?
Is there some special faculty you are interested in?
7.问你感兴趣的faculty和research group.
10.We are conisidering to give you scholarship and the decision will be made
next week.
1.Please tell me your working experience.
1. Did you use any English textbook in classes?
2.icc:What are you currently doing?
me:I am a graduate student of Peking University
3.icc:What is your graduate program?
   special interests of field?
4. What is your major, why are you choose this major?
5. what is your special interests of field?
6.What kind of courses have you taken?(better prepare some words to explain
your major courses)
Do you have any questions concerning your graduate study?
I asked him following questions:
what's the climate like in **? expense, tution and fee, the amount of TA, Research Project
3.How about the stipend of assistantship? Will it be sufficient
to cover living expense and tuition?
4.That's all I want to know.
4.recommendation letter
5.interest , the name of the courses

发表于 2003-5-22 16:34:00 | 只看该作者
thanks a lot for your efforts!!
发表于 2003-7-7 08:27:00 | 只看该作者
Thanks a million for your work.
发表于 2003-11-26 00:16:00 | 只看该作者
millions of thanks
发表于 2003-12-9 19:55:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-12-26 19:52:00 | 只看该作者
All my best wishes for you!~~
发表于 2004-2-17 14:35:00 | 只看该作者

i believe you can    manage everything~~~

发表于 2004-2-23 22:17:00 | 只看该作者
I think there might be two senarios. One is multiple professors making decisions, the common case.The other is the Ph.D. coordinator making the acceptance decision. One example for the latter. I have had a phone interview from Univ.of Connecticut, Ph.D. program. The    h.D. coordinator    was espcially interested in the Finance area issue ( I am not applying for the finance area) and asked my opinions. I could not make it and I guess he decided not to accept me in the phone interview.

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