1.A printer numbered consecutively the pages of a book, beginning with 1 on the first page. In numbering the pages, he printed a total of 189 digits.
Q: the number of pages in the book.
2.the sum of 4 integers is even. 意思是“4个整数的和是双数?”
3.1<n<5, n is an integer. the sum of the first n odd integers that are greater than zero VS. n的平方-1
4. the remainder when m的三次方-m is divided by 2 不是应该等于1
5.a sealed rectangular tank, which has inside dimensions of 30 by 40 by50 centimeters, is partially full of water. A. the depth of the water when the tank is level and rests on one of its 30-by-50-centimeter faces B. the depth of the water when the tank is level and rests on one of its 30-by-40-centimeter faces (这题是什么意思噢?不懂~~~)