Reptiles,by drawing their body heat directly from the Sun rather than burningcalories to generate it, can survive on ten percent of the nourishment thata mammal of similar size would normally require
A. rather than burning calories to generate it
B. rather than the generation of body heat by burning calories
C. and not from generating it by burning calories
D. instead of by burning calories for generating it
E. insteadof body heat generated by burning calories
比较 倾向于A 但是觉得前面一句有by drawing 所以rather than 后应该有 by burning.
Accordingto a recent survey of municipal services, the city’s streets could be cleaner,its fire code be better enforced, and its crime rate reduced if thecurrent administration improved its management practices. betterenforced, and its crime rate reduced
B. better enforced, and itscrime rate reduced
C. could be better enforced, and it could reduce its crime rate
D. better enforced, and its crime rate could reduce
E. could be better enforced, and its crime rate reduce