Industrialization and modern methods ofinsect control have improved the standard of living around
the globe while at the same time theyhave introduced some 100,000 dangerous chemical
pollutants, having gone virtuallyunregulated since they were developed more than 50 years ago.
(A) while at the same time they haveintroduced some 100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants,
(B) while at the same time introducingsome 100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants that have
(C) while they have introduced some100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants at the same time, which have
D) but introducing some 100,000dangerous chemical pollutants at the same time that have
(E) but at the same time introducing some100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants, having
Prep里面选择B,不选C的理由是C是非限定从句意思不对,但我认为: 1) 前面既然已经特指some 100,000 dangerous chemical pllutants, 就已经不是表达这100,000种中的一些的意思了。就像他举的例子,I am checking up the models that wear black T-shirts, 如果改成I am checking up those 10 models that wear black T-shirts, 难道还可以让人人为只是10个里面的几个模特穿了黑T吗? 2) unregulated就算是指全部pllutants的话,又有什么问题呢?原句哪里表示出了这里必须是局部unregulated,而不是所有都unregulated的呢? 所以不明白为什么C不行 |