有劳各位牛牛们不吝赐教...问题有点傻··· 耽误大家时间了···
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The artist Renoir ’ s last word was “ flowers, ” spoken as they arranged a bouquet of roses just picked from his garden in a vase on his bedroom windowsill. A. as they arranged a bouquet of roses just picked from his garden B. as a bouquet of roses had been just picked from his garden and was being arranged C. as a bouquet of roses just picked from his garden was being arranged D. during the arrangement of a bouquet of roses just picked from his garden E. while they arranged a bouquet of roses that had just been picked from his garden -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ANS=C 不太清楚A为什么不能选···如果仅仅是they的指代问题的话···觉得牵强了点···
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/10/22 23:15:37编辑过] |