为了大家更好地了解JHU GMBA这个项目, 小编又找来两位在读的MBA同学给大家一些内部消息。 希望可以给申请者更加真实的参考依据。
Status: CurrentStudent - Charter Class, Global MBA 2012
Affiliations: Pi Tau Sigma - Mechanical Engineering Honor Fraternity
Joined: 17Feb 2010
Posts: 17
Location: Baltimore
Schools: JohnsHopkins University - Carey Business School
WE 1: 7 yr/Project Engineer in ProductDevelopment and Manufacturing - Fortune 500
Followers: 0
Kudos [?]: 4 [2], given: 0 Asa current student of the charter class of the GMBA at JHU Carey, I can attestto many advantages and disadvantages of this program... and I wouldn't minddiscussing them with you personally if you wish (these will of course be mypersonal opinion and cannot be comparative to other schools since my experienceis limited to this school). At the moment, the entire class is engaged in ourInnovation for Humanity project. We were all given a choice of four countries(Kenya, Rwanda, India, and Peru), we were asked to rank them by preference andalso rank our areas of interest (Micro finance, Healthcare, Energy, andEntrepreneurship). Based on your choices they did their best to meetyour interests and create groups of 5-6 students to go to these countries and workwith locals developing specific projects for 3 weeks. At the moment I am inRwanda (Kigali) and have been here for close to two weeks. Our projects havebeen very intense and we have been working a lot, this has been an outstandingexperience and for this I do have a comparison to make with other top B-schools. Carey GMBA每年都会有这种项目, 可以去一些非常特别的国家做商业实践。 Harvard and other schools have come here to dosimilar projects since the beginning of the year, and we have met with many ofthe same people (Government Ministers, Chamber of commerce, businessmen, touroperators, drivers, etc) and they have all told us that we are a stark contrastto the other schools. They all seem to agree that we have a verydifferent attitude about being here, that we are here to work, not vacation,and that we don't mind getting our hands dirty and work out problems from thebottom up. The other'better' schools seem to only want to deal with very high level people and aredisconnected from the reality of the people. Oh yeah, and we are muchfriendlier... 小编倒是认为不同学校的氛围不同吧, 没有好坏,只是不同而已。 Needless to say, weare all very happy and proud to hear these comments, but we believe this ispart of the spirit Carey is trying to create in its students. We don't think we 'deserve'anything, we don't think that people owe us anything for being here. We workvery hard everyday and believe it is our privilege to be here, we are here tohelp and learn, not to do anyone a favor. 有一种很脚踏实地的感觉哈~ Therefore, I thinkthat at least as far as these types of projects are concerned, I think we arelearning more and getting a lot more out of this experience than the otherschools are. Oh, by the way, all of our expenses (flight,hotel, cash packets, tours, meals, etc) are included in the tuition... I don'tknow about other schools, but students from Harvard told us that it cost themmore than 5k each out of pocket to come. 挺实惠哈。 The internet isreally unstable here, so I have tried to upload the message a few timesunsuccessfully, I hope I am not flooding the board with the same message 5times... if I did, my apologies...
My two cents... l 第二位学生背景如下:
Joined: 31Dec 1969
Location: United States
Concentration: Marketing, Other
GMAT 1:710 Q49 V38
WE: Accounting(Accounting)
Followers: 0
Kudos [?]: 31 [1], given: 52011
Hello, I will graduatefrom the Carey Business School in April of 2011 having completed 36 creditsthus far. Hence, I have to disagree with many of the posts on this boardregarding the accredidation factor because you are missing a very importantpoint, employers want tosee more then just an MBA foot note on your resume. Whether it is from Stanford ofHopkins means very little for a seasoned senior managment professional applyingfor a new role. Ihave worked in biotech for (20) years and have been at the management level for(9) and can tell you from experience that employers want to see people thatoffer concise value propositions and that has little to do with an AACSBaccredidation. The Hopkins MBA gives you the tools to ask the rightquestions, and many youngpeople today think that they will land a prestigous job just because theyattended Wharton or Kellogg, wrong, if you cannot ask the right questionsduring an interview, its all moot. While I will admit the Hopkins MBA isnot of the same caliber as an MIT Sloan, or Wharton, if you have on the jobcorporate experience, it will matter very little. Focus your energy on building your brand, and presentingto a prospective employer what benefits you will bring to that organization andASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS. Many people feel an employer is captivated by a"know it all" candidate with some flashy MBA on his or her resume,wrong again. The President of my company makes 7 million a year and only has aBA in marketing, however, he is gifted at presenting, communicating, andcreating value. Bottom line, $200K for a Kellogg MBA vs 55K for my Hopkins MBA,the ROI is not there for Kellog, and Hopkins gives you what you need and theyhave the brand to back it.
这位在生物科技行业打拼二十年的仁兄对于这个AACSB的见解颇为深刻。 他表示到最后找工作可能没有一个雇主会关注你的学校有没有AACSB(仔细想想也是这回事)。 最重要的这位MBA同学认为是你能不能在面试中脱颖而出, ask the rightquestion,让雇主看到为什么要聘用你来做这份工作, 体现你的价值, 做出你自己的品牌。 很多他的观点小编觉得很是实在。