Organized in 1966 by the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Breeding Bird Survey uses annual roadside counts along established routes for monitoring of population changes of as many as, or of more than 250 bird species, including 180 songbirds.
(A) for monitoring of population changes of as many as, or of (B) to monitor population changes of as many, or (C) to monitor changes in the populations of (D) that monitors population changes of (E) that monitors changes in populations of as many as, or
答案选的是C选项... 我想问的是,如果按照A选项,它想表达的是as many as or more than..也就是大于等于,可是按照C选项的意思就只有more than了,也就是大于,这不算改变原意吗? 请各位不吝赐教,.. 谢谢
这题的考点是 use sth to do sth, to do表目的,选B、C; B population changes中population作名词修饰语错,manhattan认为名词修饰语只能表达of的关系,而这里是change in the population,of as many as也错,少了个as.
其实这题 "uses X to monitor" is an idiomatic expression,在B/C中考虑,其他都排除。
你的意思,我觉得你要是把这话翻译成中文理解,就看不出问题;可是用英文思维去理解,就有很大问题。"uses X to monitor" expresses the PURPOSE. So what's the purpose? You can say "I went to Walmart to buy 10 eggs. " Or "I went to Walmart to buy more than 10 eggs." But you CANNOT say "I wen to Walmart to buy 10 eggs or more than 10 eggs. " That's wrong! You should have a specific purpose, either "to buy 10 eggs" (Purpose A) or "to buy more than 10 eggs" (Purpose B). Carefully note that purpose A and purpose B are mutually exclusive. You CANNOT say "I do something for the purpose A or for the purpose B."
However, you can say you want to buy >=10 eggs, but that expression should be "no fewer than 10 eggs". See? Here you have only ONE purpose "to buy no fewer than 10 eggs". You no longer have two mutually exclusive purposes.
所以这题你可以说 no fewer than 250 bird species, 但不能像A那么说。
2. (24511-!-item-!-188;#058&001020)
Organized in 1966 by the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Breeding Bird Survey uses annual roadside counts along established routes for monitoring of population changes of as many as, or of more than 250 bird species, including 180 songbirds.
(A) for monitoring of population changes of as many as, or of (B) to monitor population changes of as many, or (C) to monitor changes in the populations of (D) that monitors population changes of (E) that monitors changes in populations of as many as, or
答案选的是C选项... 我想问的是,如果按照A选项,它想表达的是as many as or more than..也就是大于等于,可是按照C选项的意思就只有more than了,也就是大于,这不算改变原意吗? 请各位不吝赐教,.. 谢谢