不好意思,这是网络课堂一道例题,因为我当时就是这一点想不清楚,是根据其他错误判断出正确选项的,所以当时觉得不需贴出整道题 以前的习惯用法都是one of the only+数词+名词复数,所以看到正确选项A,觉得不太对,再加上老师的讲解让我愈加糊涂。请各位赐教。这两种表达究竟区别在哪儿?各自含义是什么? In June of 1989, Princeton Township approved a developer's plans to build 300 houses on a large portion of the 210-acre site of the Battle of Princeton, one of only eight Revolutionary War battlefields that had remained undeveloped. (A) one of only eight Revolutionary War battlefields that had remained undeveloped (B) one of eight of the only Revolutionary War battlefields that have remained undeveloped (C) one of the only eight undeveloped Revolutionary War battlefields that remains (D) only one of eight Revolutionary War battlefields to remain undeveloped (E) only one of the eight remaining undeveloped Revolutionary War battlefields |