第一个 her 指代的是 Olive Chancellor。 rivalry between Olive Chancellor, an active feminist, with her charming and cynical cousin, Basil Ransom。不过我觉得诡异的是怎么这个大臣是个女的; 第一个her 指的是 radiant young woman -- by 会员 wangjieava23 (2011/6/30 9:15:05)
问题是如果你不知道那个basil是男的,那么这个her就可以同时指代olive和basil了不是么? chancellor我理解的应该是个姓。 -- by 会员 无敌可爱多 (2011/6/30 20:51:34)
The plot of The Bostonians centers on the rivalry between Olive Chancellor, an active feminist, and hercharming and cynical cousin, Basil Ransom, when they find themselves drawn to the same radiant young woman whose talent for public speaking has won her an ardent following.
我的理解是这样的: 这两个her 一个出现在主句里,是就近指代; 第二个,her 指代是这定语从句的主语 whose。 关于指代,就这两种形式了。 -- by 会员 wangjieava23 (2011/7/1 20:44:09)
正确答案是(C) rivalry that develops between Olive Chancellor,an active feminist, and Basil Ransom, her charming and cynical cousin,
所以你说的就进指代不成立。 |