OG12-24 In Virtually all types of tissue in every animal species,dioxin induces the production of enzymes that are the organism's attempt to metabolize,or render harmless, the chemical irritant.
这已经是选完正确答案的一个句子了 some NN said :the chemical irritant被提取公因式了。
the organism's attempt to metabolize,or render harmless, the chemical irritant = the organism's attempt to metabolize the chemical irritant or render the chemical harmless.
是不是,通常 主句,modifier,modifier,noun(未出现过). means 提取公因式? 通常is 优先选项ma?
-- by 会员 longyan7771 (2010/11/16 4:12:04)
这个提取公因式说的太形象了,意思就是 xy+xz=x(y+z) 这个句子本来是metabolize chemical irritant or render the chemical irritant harmless. 然后把公因式 chemical irritant提出来放到最后啦,就成e选项那样了~