At the Shadybrook dog kennel, all the adult animals were) given a new medication designed to reduce a dog‘s risk of contracting a certain common infection. Several days after the medication was administered, most of the puppies of these dogs had elevated temperatures. Since raised body temperature is a side effect of this medication, the kenne owner hypothesized that the puppies‘ elevated temperatures resulted from the medication‘s being passed to them through their mothers‘ milk. 8. Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the kennel owner‘s hypothesis (A) Some puppies have been given the new medication directly but have not suffered elevated temperatures as a side effect.) (B) The new medication has been well received by dog breeders as a safe and effective way of preventing! the spread of certain common canine infections. (C) None of the four puppies in the kennel who had been bottle-fed with formula had elevated temperatures. (D) an elevated temperature is a side effect of a number of medications for dogs other than the new medication administered at the kennel. (E) Elevated temperatures such as those suffered by most of the puppies in the kennel rarely have serious long-term effects on a puppy‘s health