GWD7-Q32: A surge in new home sales and a drop in weekly unemployment claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as some analysts previously thought. A. claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as some analysts previously thought B. claims suggests that the economy might not be so weak as some analysts have previously thought C. claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as have been previously thought by some analysts D. claims, suggesting about the economy that it might not be so weak as previously thought by some analysts E. claims, suggesting the economy might not be as weak as previously thought to be by some analysts S是 a surge and a drop, verb是suggest,因此排除動詞型態錯誤的B. 在時態上的考慮,A比C好,是因為A比較對象是現在的經濟跟經濟學家認為的过去經濟相比,跟C用現在完成被動形式描述的意思上有差異. D.E答案裡將suggesting改為分詞修飾S,之後沒有main verb.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-8 21:31:56编辑过] |