1. What is most important to the monkeys inthe sanctuary is that they are a
group; this is so because primates areinveterately _____ and build their lives
2. Even though formidable winters are thenorm in the Dakotas, many people
were unprepared for the _____ of the blizzardof 1888.
3. Congress is having great difficultydeveloping a consensus on energy policy,
primarily because the policy objective ofvarious members of Congress rest on
4. This poetry is not _____; it is morelikely to appeal to an internationalaudience than is poetry with strictlyregional themes.
5. Though one cannot say that Michelangelowas impractical designer, he
was, of all nonprofessional architects knows,the most _____ in that he was
the least constrained by tradition orprecedent.
6. The documentary film about high schoollife was so realistic and _____
that feelings of nostalgia flooded over thecollege-age audience.
7. For many young people during the RoaringTwenties, a disgust with the
excesses of American culture _____ a wanderlustto provoke an exodus
8. Certainly Murray’s preoccupation with thetask of editing the OxfordEnglish Dictionary begot a kind of monomania,but it must be regarded as a
_____ or at least an innocuous one.
9. The semantic _____ of ancient documents isnot unique; even in our own
time, many documents are difficult todecipher.
10. Many welfare reformers would substitute asingle,federally financed
income support system for the existing _____of overlapping programs.