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[SC悬赏令] Season 3——manhattan 45(已点评)

发表于 2011-11-13 01:20:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
45. Though it is now universally accepted that William Shakespeare was a real, historical person – which was once considered questionable – some still suspect him not to have written all of the works attributed as his own.
   A    Though it is now universally accepted that William Shakespeare was a real, historical person – which was once considered questionable – some still suspect him not to have written all of the works attributed as his own.
   B    Though William Shakespeare is now universally accepted to be a real, historical person – once considered as questionable – some still suspect him not to have written all of the works attributed to be his own.
   C    William Shakespeare – now universally accepted as a real, historical person, though even this fact was once considered questionable – who is still suspected, by some, not to have written all of the works attributed to him.
   D    Though it is now universally accepted that William Shakespeare was a real, historical person – a fact that was once considered questionable – he is still suspected, by some, of not having written all of the works attributed to him.
   E    Some still suspect that William Shakespeare did not write all of the works attributed as his own, although it is now universally accepted that he was a real, historical person – a fact that was once considered questionable.

此题中有个很关键的idiom, attribute sth to sb,被动语态变为sth be attributed to sb, 意思是“认为某作品出自某人之手”。attribute 还有“属性,特性”的意思,as attribute 意为“作为特性”。
A破折号后的which显然是指代前面的让步状语从句,这是不符合GMAT"which 不能指代句子”的语法规则的。attribute sth as ab的用法错误。suspect sth. 或者suspect sb of doing sth,或者suspect sb sth,suspect that....都是idiomatic,但是ABC三个选项中的suspect 用法都有误。
B 插入的同位语语once considered as questionable没有逻辑主语。considered as questionable中的as多余。attribute to be的用法比attribute to wordy.accept as 表示to consent to receive or consider someone as a particular type of person or a person who can serve a particular role. accept to be不符合idiomatic.
C  now universally accepted as a real, historical person,从结构上看是个修饰语,而不是做插入语,用破折号不恰当。though even 用法不idiomtic, 应为even though. who从句离先行词太远。而且整个句子结构不完整,没有谓语。
D 正确选项。插入语a fact that。。。恰当的指代了前面“it is now universally accepted that William Shakespeare was a real, historical person”这件事情。主语的主语he清楚明确的指代先行词William Shakespeare。attribute to的被动语态用法正确。
E attribute as用法错误。而且插入语放在最后时,是对主语的描述还是对从句的描述?不清晰,容易引起歧义。

一楼对本题语法点把握的比较到位,注意B项中同位语缺乏逻辑主语;同时suspect sb to do的用法不符合idiomatic.
三楼 分析的很好。不过D项的that was 并不是多余,在这里fact作为同位语的逻辑主语,that。。。是对其修饰的定语从句。如果去掉的话同位语就变成独立主格结构(n. + v-ed),a fact once considered questionable,虽然意思不变,不过语法结构变了。
六楼 分析的真好,我没有注意到的accept to be的用法错误也注意到了,奖励一下~~~to be常用来表示“将要,将来”的意味,而Shakespeare被认为是real,historical person是已经发生的事情。 of not having written...实际上是suspect sb of doing sth的一部分。虽然D项主句用了被动,但是由于suspect of这个词组常用被动表示某人被怀疑,he的指代也清晰明了,所以用在这里没有不妥当的地方。E项的问题参见题目点评部分。GMAT语法题目的逻辑是选best,而不一定是ideal,相信这个原则会对你有帮助。

一楼 Jimmyzhang2012 (ID: 599328)
二楼vanchaser (ID: 633016)
六楼jofre (ID: 604490)
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发表于 2011-11-13 11:09:34 | 只看该作者
A which 不能指代句子
B accept to be 不是习惯表达
C 破折号插入的位置不对 造成全句没有谓语动词
D Correct 破折号引出同位语,去除破折号全句符合正常表达顺序
E attribute as 不是习惯表达
发表于 2011-11-13 13:19:55 | 只看该作者
A中的破折号引出的which从句,which不能指代句子,曾经质疑的是莎士比亚是真实的历史人物,而不是质疑莎士比亚本人,B同样也是改变了原意,而且attribute to be错误。
C 没有谓语,且wordy,不简洁。
D 的后半句,he is still suspect of not having written...,我觉得看见了of doing绝大部分都是错误的,因为wordy。
但是,E中的attribute as也是错误的。所以这道题对于我很无解。
发表于 2011-11-13 22:40:49 | 只看该作者
45. Though it is now universally accepted that William Shakespeare was a real, historical person – which was once considered questionable – some still suspect him not to have written all of the works attributed as his own.
             A             Though it is now universally accepted that William Shakespeare was a real, historical person –
which was once considered questionable – some still suspect him not to have written all of the works attributed as his own.

Which无法指代整句话。Suspect sb. Of doing sth. Attribute sth. to sb./sth.
             B             Though William Shakespeare is now universally accepted to be a real, historical person – once considered as questionable – some still suspect him not to have written all of the works attributed to be his own.

Consider后面应该直接加形容词,as多余。Suspect sb. Of doing sth.
             C             William Shakespeare – now universally accepted as a real, historical person, though even this fact wasonce considered questionable – who is still suspected, by some, not
to have written all of the works attributed to him.

去掉破折号,整个句子缺少谓语。句子结构混乱。Suspect sb. Of doing sth.
             D            Though it is now universally accepted that William Shakespeare was a real, historical person – a fact that was once considered questionable – he is still suspected, by some, of not having written all of the works attributed to him.

Correct(虽然觉得that was 多余)
             E             Some still suspect that William Shakespeare did not write all of the works attributed
as his own, although it is now universally accepted that he was a real, historical person – a fact that was once considered questionable.

Attribute sth. to sb./sth.

发表于 2011-11-15 10:52:07 | 只看该作者
A which不能指代一句话 B considered 修饰不清楚 C 主句的动词没了  D suspect sb of doing是正确的表达 E 的as 搭配不当
发表于 2011-11-15 13:51:48 | 只看该作者
45. Though it is now universally accepted that William Shakespeare was a real, historical person – which was once considered questionable – some still suspect him not to have written all of the works attributed as his own.
   A    Though it is now universally accepted that William Shakespeare was a real, historical person – which was once considered questionable – some still suspect him not to have written all of the works attributed as his own.
   B    Though William Shakespeare is now universally accepted to be a real, historical person – once considered as questionable – some still suspect him not to have written all of the works attributed to be his own.
   C    William Shakespeare – now universally accepted as a real, historical person, though even this fact was once considered questionable – who is still suspected, by some, not to have written all of the works attributed to him.
   D    Though it is now universally accepted that William Shakespeare was a real, historical person – a fact that was once considered questionable – he is still suspected, by some, of not having written all of the works attributed to him.
   E    Some still suspect that William Shakespeare did not write all of the works attributed as his own, although it is now universally accepted that he was a real, historical person – a fact that was once considered questionable.
-- by 会员 Sophia001 (2011/11/13 1:20:45)

Universally accepted的是整件事不是william shakespeare这个人,所以排除B和C
发表于 2011-11-15 15:54:26 | 只看该作者
45. Though it is now universally accepted that William Shakespeare was a real, historical person – which was once considered questionable – some still suspect him not to have written all of the works attributed as his own.
  A    Though it is now universally accepted that William Shakespeare was a real, historical person – which was once considered questionable – some still suspect him not to have written all of the works attributed as his own.
  B    Though William Shakespeare is now universally accepted to be a real, historical person – once considered as questionable – some still suspect him not to have written all of the works attributed to be his own.
  C    William Shakespeare – now universally accepted as a real, historical person, though even this fact was once considered questionable – who is still suspected, by some, not to have written all of the works attributed to him.
  D    Though it is now universally accepted that William Shakespeare was a real, historical person – a fact that was once considered questionable – he is still suspected, by some, of not having written all of the works attributed to him.
  E    Some still suspect that William Shakespeare did not write all of the works attributed as his own, although it is now universally accepted that he was a real, historical person – a fact that was once considered questionable.

A选项:which逻辑上应指代前面整个句子表达的事实,但语法上不能指代前面整个句子,错;suspect sb to do错误结构;复杂的介词短语not to have written...在GMAT中更倾向于使用从句表达,更简洁明了。
B选项:accept后应使用as而不是to be,once considered as questionable修饰对象不明,也可能修饰person,导致逻辑错误;suspect sb to do错误结构;复杂的介词短语not to have written...在GMAT中更倾向于使用从句表达,更简洁明了。

D选项:不必要的被动语态,GMAT更偏向主动语态;复杂的介词短语of not having written...在GMAT中更倾向于使用从句表达,更简洁明了。
选项:吃不准attribute as his own是否正确

发表于 2011-11-21 12:27:58 | 只看该作者

A 错,to have的将要做xxx的语境错,因为说的是过去的作品(没看出with指代从句的错误;)
B 错,to have的将要做xxx的语境错,因为说的是过去的作品;插入语怀疑的是莎士比亚本人?
C 错,插入语后的who不必要
D 对
E 错,插入语a fact是修饰suspect吗?
发表于 2011-12-11 21:28:30 | 只看该作者
45. Though it is now universally accepted that William Shakespeare was a real, historical person – which was once considered questionable – some still suspect him not to have written all of the works attributed as his own.
  A    Though it is now universally accepted that William Shakespeare was a real, historical person – which was once considered questionable – some still suspect him not to have written all of the works attributed as his own.-->Which 指代person,但是不能说人questionable.
  B    Though William Shakespeare is now universally accepted to be a real, historical person – once considered as questionable – some still suspect him not to have written all of the works attributed to be his own.-->这里的once也是修饰人,不能说人questionable.
  C    William Shakespeare – now universally accepted as a real, historical person, though even this fact was once considered questionable – who is still suspected, by some, not to have written all of the works attributed to him.-->句子结构不完整,无谓语。
  D    Though it is now universally accepted that William Shakespeare was a real, historical person – a fact that was once considered questionable – he is still suspected, by some, of not having written all of the works attributed to him.-->not having 结构感觉怪怪的.R
  E    Some still suspect that William Shakespeare did not write all of the works attributed as his own, although it is now universally accepted that he was a real, historical person – a fact that was once considered questionable.-->attribute as错。
发表于 2011-12-11 21:29:32 | 只看该作者

A 错,to have的将要做xxx的语境错,因为说的是过去的作品(没看出with指代从句的错误;)
B 错,to have的将要做xxx的语境错,因为说的是过去的作品;插入语怀疑的是莎士比亚本人?
C 错,插入语后的who不必要
D 对
E 错,插入语a fact是修饰suspect吗?
-- by 会员 maxiv (2011/11/21 12:27:58)

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