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Issue 84 It is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.
正文: What do you bear in your mind when you hear the word “hero”? Ironclad power, great glory, victory, noble soul, and may be more. We usually explain the title “hero” as someone who has achieved great work, something extremely valuable. But we may dismiss another more important part about the meaning of hero: the high expectation from the populace. Today, as the progress of our society and cognition of people, such expectation about a hero has been extremely undermined, therefore making almost no one can deserve the title “hero” any more as the issue said.
To be fair, I concede that there are always some noble people who have achieved some great work in current times, as it is in every time. Those people may be reputed as heroes about something due to their success in some field. For example, in risk of life, the astronauts step out into the outer space for the future of all human beings, and we name them as "space heroes"; the doctors and nurses, who fight against the plagues like SARS and work with the patients together all the time, are worth the title of "heroes". We witness the beautiful part of human nature on them via their great work, and we appreciate their contribution to the society. That is why we view them as heroes.
However, the name of heroes today may not last for long due to the declining expectation about it since people get more and more aware that heroes are actually as normal as us. After all, the existence of the reputation of heroes is more than achievement itself, but the glory and worship derived from it. Today, due to the great power of media, we are able to understand more about the heroes and their lives. As a word says, both the worship and contempt to someone come from a bad knowledge about him. In opposite, when you get to know someone well, learn his habits and flaws, you may find they are just as ordinary as us. As a result, those noble and great people can be applauded and awarded, but can never be qualified as heroes, an extremely high glory.
Moreover, another reason for few heroes today is that the heroism value is not that qualified in the current times. Given a hero there, we might expect him high to fulfill some tough job all alone since we appreciate such heroism in the past. But now, as the progress of our society, instead of relying some person or people, we tend to trust more on a system to solve problems. For example, instead of pinning our hope on some heroes, we now expect the police stuff to deal with the crimes, and believe our law system will make right judgments on their sins. It can be some kind of moral abduction for any individual to impose him an extra responsibility of solving some problems beyond his field, even for the heroes. Therefore, due to the decline in heroism, it is reasonable to witness few heroes in the world, but more and more responsible people.
In retrospect, there are still many noble “heroes” who have achieved great work for the society, if we decrease the standard for judging a hero. Due to a better understanding on those noble and great people, and an increasing ration for system justice, there are actually few people who can be qualified as heroes today, but many good ordinary people.
1 英雄的高标准: 1.1 英雄英雄:高尚品格的人格,令人敬佩的人,能人所不能。荣耀,胜利,力量,无坚不摧。 1.2 英雄之名的维持,一方面来自英雄人物本身的成就,更主要的是依靠人们对英雄极高的期望——敬仰与崇拜; 1.3 这种过高的期望会随着对当事人的了解加深而逐渐降低,而这种逐渐贬值的“英雄”正在失去这个字眼原有的含义 2 (+)世上依然有很多品格高尚的人,因为卓著的成就而被成为英雄; 3 (-)因为对英雄了解的加深,让人们认识到英雄也不过是普通人,因而对他们的崇拜与敬仰会随着这种了解的增进而降低,使英雄之名很快消逝 4 (-)因为现在英雄主义价值的不再合适,使英雄不再被人们所称道。 5 尽管世上依然有很多善良而卓越的人,但因为以上两点原因英雄诚然罕有。但这并不意味着时代的退步,只不过那些卓越而优秀的人们不再以英雄著称而已。
附上ppguo提供的提纲: 1.当人们提起英雄这个词时,脑袋里会浮现出XXXXXXX, 或者电影中的谁谁谁,这些人有着一些非同常人的品格,在关键时刻救人脱离困境。但是现在英雄这个词越来越少出现在媒体中。因为 a) 媒体的审查 b) 大众对人性的了解更透彻,不再轻易相信完美的英雄。 2. 但是这并不意味这这个世界上就不会再出现英雄。在媒体的焦点以外,有很多人默默地为人类的幸福努力。例子有特蕾莎修女,还有那个几十年间资助过上百个学生的中国老人。 3. 人们头脑中英雄的概念与以往不同。人们不再要求英雄是完美的。在承认他们伟大的贡献的同时,也接纳他们作为一个普通人有的软弱和缺陷。英雄的概念也不再局限于个人,可以是一个团体。例子有:汶川地震的志愿者们。 4. 结论,一个社会中还是会出现英雄的,不管他们有没有被曝光,是一个人还是一个团体。 |