有。。。。。亲。。。。 -- by 会员 sisichen666 (2012/11/28 16:34:54)
119. New theories propose that catastrophic impacts of asteroids and comets may have caused reversals in the Earth’s magnetic field, the onset of ice ages, splitting apart continents 80 million years ago, and great volcanic eruptions.
(A) splitting apart continents
(B) the splitting apart of continents
(C) split apart continents
(D) continents split apart
(E) continents that were split apart
亲 ,你觉得这道题的E选项。跟我们这个开始讨论的那题是不是有几分神似(因为我看到一篇帖子说thrust分词结构在这里使得整个riverbed有了动词的含义,所以与前面的抽象名词平行)。。。。。 其实我也不晓得里面到底有啥含义···· 仅仅是给亲看一下··· |